•Chapter Four{Shoping}•

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[This chapter isn't edited so please don't mind all the mistakes]
~(Y/n)'s POV~
My eyes started opening slowly as I was coming back to conciousness. My vision started getting more clear as I saw all of the boys sleeping on the ground. Some of them were laying down,a few of them were leaning on each other and Alex and John were on the couch(still sleeping). I felt two heads leaning on my shoulders,which also cause some pain, and it was Lafayette and Thomas.
"Good morning,mon amie",I heard Lafayette say.
"Good morning,Laf",I replied and heard a yawn from my roght side. I turned around snd saw Thomas geting up.
"Good morning Thomas",I said.
"Good morning",he yawned.
"Are you two hungry? I can go make some food right now."
"Yeah you should",Thomas said.
"We ca wake up ze rest of them,you go and make ze food",Lafayette said standing.
"Ok",I said and walked over to the kitchen to make food.
"What should we eat?",I thought to myself as I look around the kitchen,"Maybe eggs and sausages? Ah yes!"
I pulled out the pan,eggs and sausages and started making the food. I would hear groans as the guys all woke up,I just laughed silently to myself. The food was done after around 15 mins and all I needed to do was prepare the table.
"When is the food honna be done?!", I heard Hercules yell.
"Well if you came over here and helped me things would go a lot quicker!", I yelled back. Then I saw Philip come into the kitchen,"What do you need help with?"
"Can you set up the table? You know how to do that right?",I asked handing him the plates.
"Sure thing!",he said and started setting them up.

*Time skip brought to you by Mulligan fu*king horses(yes that was implied in "Aaron Burr,Sir"*
~3rd/Narrator POV~
"Guys! We're going shoping for some new clothes!",yelled an exited (Y/n) as she carried her bag downstairs.
"What!?",they all yelled in suprise,looking at her like she was crazy.
"I said"We're going shoping!",is that too hard to understand?",she asked looking at all of them with an eyebrow raised. They all sighted and go up one by one,following you to the can you van(the van wasn't your's it was from your friend and since they went on vacation with their family in ther car and didn't have a garage they asked if you could keep an eye on it. They also told you to use it if you need it and there was no way 8 men were gonna fit in your car)
You all got in,John called dibs on the passanger seat so he sat there and you turned the van on. You drove for about 20-25 minutes, main reason it took so long was trafic. You finaly made it to the mall you all got out and walked towards the doors. After you entered pretty much everyone started staring,it kinda made you uncomfterable but you knew they a good reason. You showed the guys some clothes which the approved of and took to the dressing room. The first one to come out was Aaron Burr,he had a black T-shirt and jeans. Then Alexander who wore a button up and jeans,next was John who wore shorts that were just below the knes and also a sleveless shirt. Then came Madison,he wore a white shirt and sweatpants,Thomas was next and he wore a black shirt that said"What'd I miss?", Hercules wore a shirt and a blue bandana(also pants). Lafayette and Philip were the last ones out,Lafayette was wearing a shirt with the Eifle tower and dark blue jeans, and Philip was wearing the same thing his father was. After
"Well,that looks good enough",you laughed, "Lets buy you guys some pijamas!"
"What's that?",Philip asked.
"The clothes you sleep in-oh there they are", you said and walked over to a bunch of pijamas that were all neatly placed. They each grabbed one of them that was their favorite color and you paid for it. Once you did you drove to McDinalds and got everyone French  Fries/Chicken McNuggets and Fanta/Coca Cola(whichever you like more). They all atarted eating like pigs and you were suffering because you couldn't eat untill you got home.

*Time Skip brought to you by my lazy ass brain
You woke up tommorow morning to hear yelling from downstairst so you rush down into the living room to see everyone yelling and trying to beat the shit out of someone.
"GUYS! WE'RE GONNA WAKE UP MOM-I mean (Y/n)!",Philip yelled.
You were shocked at first but then yelled back:"TOO LATE! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!!????"
"Uuuhhhhh....",all of them turned around look at you.
"Who is she?",you heard someone with a Britiah accent yell.
"Oh god",you sighted knowing what was coming next.
Well there is Chapter 4,I hope you guys liked it. Anyways tell me if you guys have any ideas for future chapters tell me in the comments,I still have a few ideas but I want to have more ideas so I can do them later on. Also I will be adding George Washington in the next chapter or the chapter after that. Also thank you so much for reading this story it means a lot to me because it usually takes a while to get even 10-20 reads on my stories,so thank you! I hope you have a great day/night.
-Your Obediant Servant.C. Lyd

Word count:968

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