•Chapter Six {Really bad puns}•

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Yeah,I didn't forget about this I just ran out of ideas for a bit. Also this is pretty much a compilation of really bad puns,pick up lines and Hamilton memes. You have been warned.
~3rd/Narrator POV~
So about a week passed and nothing that exiting hapened. Philip secretly continued to call you mom,you were working your ass off with all of the boys running around,you also went shoping again,buying each one of them 3 more outfits(4 for George and King George since they didn't go shoping last time) and they started getting the hang of having all of the cool technology around. And just when tou thought nothing could go wrong James got sick.
"Hey James are you feeling okay?",you asked handing him a cup of tea.
"I've been better,but thank you",he smiled and gladly took the cup and drank half of it. You sat down next to him and thought for a moment.
"You know what's the worse thing about throwing a party in space?", you asked him.
"Hm,what?",James asked looking over at you with a confused look.
"You have to PLANET",you said regretting your existence. He just sat there a little confused for a second and then started laughing so hard he broke out into a coughing fit.
"Oh in the name of John Laurens' turles are you okay James?"you asked trying to not laugh because that would be a real di*k move right now.
"You could make religion out of this!",Hercules yelled. You really started reggreting ever showing him that video....well what is done is done.
"(YYYYY/NNNNNN)",Laurens ran from the other room and hugged you from behind whispering into your ear:"I wan't a turtle,pleeeeeaseeeeee!" 
"No",you said. He put up the cutes face he could and stood right in front of you,so close to you in fact your noses were touching.
"Pleeaaaasssseeeee!",he begged,"They are sooooo cuteeeee!"
"Just like you..",you and Alex muttered without even knowing the other one did it.
"Fine,fine. We can buy you a turtle",you gave in as he started jumping around,"But not now."
After you said that he went over to Alex and hugged him,faking a sob. Alex's face was red as a tomato. Jefferson walked in and smirked:"Are you sick too Hamilton? Your face is a little red."
"Maybe I'm just SICK of your BULLSHIT!",Alex yelled.
"Alexander Douche Bag Hamilton! What did I tell you not to do?",you yelled.
"To not be a whiny little bitch..",he whispered.
"And what are you being?",Jefferson laughed as you spoke and then you gave him a death glare that made him shut up.
"A whiny little bitch?",Alexander looked down at the floor.
"Exactly. Now stop it."
"Okay,"Mom"",he put air quotes on the word "Mom".
"Hey Mom",Philip walked down the stairs and everyone stared at him,"I-I mean (Y/N)! Yeaaaaaah....hahahaha..... oh shit."
"Congrats Alexander,smile more",you sang.
"Uh congrats for what? Also you are starting to sound like Burr",he looked at you half confused and half concerned.
"I heard my name",Burr walked in.
"Y'know (Y/N),you looked a lot better with your hair up",Jefferson pointed out your hair that looked like a bird's nest.
"I'm rereading the letters you wrote me",you started singing.
"Um what?",everyone looked at you with a questioning look.
"I'm serching and scaning for answers in every line",you countinued singins as the all stared.
"Um,you wrote her letters Jefferson?",Lafayette asked Jefferson.
"For some kind of sign",you sang,"of when I asked for your fucking opinion."
And everyone laughed,even Burr and James,but Jefferson stayed silent. You looked over to only now notice that Alex and John were hugging and made an in-human voice that can not be described.
"What da fuq (Y/N)?",Jefferson asked.
"Hey Laurens,what do you call a famus turtle?",you looked over at John with a smirk.
"What?",he asked looking pretty curios.
"A shellebrity",a silence filled the room for a second. After like 3 seconds of you two staring at each other you broke out into an in-human laughter as Laurens started wheezeing.
You were all sitting in the living room watching TV.
"So where are you from? Heaven?", Jefferson asked looking over at you.
"Yeah,I'm a ghost. I dead 15 years ago, just like that pick up line",you replied as the room was follew by a bunch of "oooohhh"s.
"I felt that",Hercules laughed.
"So you called (Y/N) "mom"?", Lafayette asked with his thick[and sexy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] French accent.
"Y-yeah,thats pretty normal now", Philip blushed a bright red.
"What do you mean,mon amie? You've called her this before?", Lafayette asked looking down at Philip.
"Yeah..",Philip looked away,"Just don't tell pops."
You and King George were listening to "I know him" and singing to the lyrics.
"Oceans rise,empires fall! Next to Washington the all look small! All alone,watch them run! They will tear each other into pieces Jesus Christ this will be fun! Da da da da da da da da da da da ya daaaaaaaaaaaa!",you stopped singing and let George do the end part,"President John Adams,good luck!" He finished as you both started laughing manicaly with the rest of the guys watching you teo from the kitchen.
"What has she become?",Alexander questioned.
"And why was my name in there?", George asked.
"Awesome,wow!",you and King George said together mimicking Groff's voice and then continued laughing.
-One Week Later(I'm writtin' a letter nightly)-
"YOU'LL BE BACK! SOON YOU'LL SEE! YOU'LL REMEMBER YOU BELONG TO ME!!!!",you,G Wash and King G were singing "You'll Be Back".
"What has hapoened to Washington?", Alex asked himself.
"But when all is said and all is done", you,G Wash and King G sang together as Jefferson and Burr walked in, "Jefferson has big hair,Burr has none."
Jefferson started laughing his ass off, meanwhile Burr made the best triggered face and you took a picture.
In summary King George is your singing and dancing partner,Jeff is an annoying bitch(but you still love 'em), James is your sick little cinnamon roll, Laurens likes turles,Alex is 100% bisexual,Burr is...well Burr,Gerge W. is pretty cool actually,Lafayette is a hot af French Fry,Herc likes clothes and Philip is your stepson. Also King G and Washingmachine are getting along pretty well despite being arch enemies back in 1700,but I guess you only need like 250 years to make up.
So someone said that I should make (Y/N) more funny and that person's wish is my command so here you gom..guess you were just on your period before...sorry for any mistakes

Word count:1164

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