•Chapter Eight {Hot cocoa,sweaters and snow}•

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we're just gonna skip Lee,Seabury and Eacker's introductions. ok? ok.

It was a peacefull Friday afternoon,or so anyone who didn't live in or near your house thought.

It was also a cold afternoon,a very cold one. Sure the Sun was out but it wasn't that warm and friendly one,it was the edgy twin who hated everyone and everything.

Anyway,back to what was going on inside.

Thomas and Alex were fighting again,even though the fight was pointless and they were both yelling at each other because they wanted the other to shut up so that their boyfriends-AHEM-I mean best friends could sleep longer.

King George was,as usually,keeping himself really close to George. His exuse this time was "It's too cold and this coat isn't enough", which was a total lie since you had personally felt how soft and warm it was.

Philip and Eacker still gave each other the cold shoulder most of the time even though you could tell Philip was trying to warm up to him.

Samuel and Charles were nowhere to be seen so you guessed they were still sleeping in the guest room.

But wait!? Where was Burr?

Well Aaron Burr himself was sitting next to you in front of the fire place where you were sketching random shapes,which eventually turned into a human.

"What are you drawing?",he asked as he leaned in to see what was on your page.

"Oh,I don't really know. I just turn my brain off, sketch random shapes and they turn out the way they turn out. It's a way for me to relax and with everything going on right now I kinda need it",you stoped yourself and quickly apoligised"-Oh I'm sorry I know I'm kinda rambling a bit but I just-"

"It's okay,I understand",Aaron said and turned to look at the fire again",I know how you feel. Sometimes things just pile up and you need to get those feelings out. Don't worry too much about it."

"Thanks Burr,you're a good partner to talk to even though you're usually quiet",you said as you both chuckled.

"I don't get that a lot",he laughed a little and went back to listening to the fire.

•Time skip brought to you by Daveed's perfect hair•


"MOOOM",Philip ran over and jumped into your lap while snuggling next to your fuzzy sweater,"IT'S COLD!"

"Yeah,no sh!t sherlock. It's like -3°C outside", you sighted and put down your sketchbook.

"WE'RE BACK MES AMIES",the voice of Lafayette rang through the house as he and Hercules walked into the house,"AND WE HAVE MORE CLOTHES AND FOOD!"

"Screw clothes,gimme my food!", Thomas yelled.


"Thomas,come back it's cold!",James yelled.
"I'll be right back Jemmy,just give me a sec!"

"Gay",Alex whispered.
"And who are you to talk Mr.'to the lenght of my nose'(if you get that reference I freaking love you)!?"

"Do you two have to fight about everything?", John said as he rubbed his eyes,still sleepy.

"Yes,yes they do",Burr replied.


"Charles,are you sure you know how to make hot chocolate?",Samuel asked.

"What kind of twisted question is that!? Of course I do!",Charles snapped back.

"Do you even know what hot chocolate is?",Eacker asked as he drank some water.

"Uhh...NOT LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS!",he snapped back again.

"We've been waiting for 10 minutes and the milk still isn't ready",Samuel sighted and sat down in his chair again.

Philip walked over to the stove just to be disapointed,"Seriously!? You didn't even turn it on!"

"Oh my god!",Eacker face palmed.


•Time skip brought to you by John's perfect gayness•

"...And this one is for you",you sighted as you gave Burr his new sweater.

Everyone got new sweaters,because Laf and Herc went shopping(well actually Laf wanted to shop but he didn't wanna go alone so he draged Herc along with him).

"And the hot chocolate is ready!", Philip exclaimed coming out of the closet-AHEM-kitchen with a tray with cups full of hot chocolate,Eacker following him with another tray.

"YAY!",John screamed as Alex first covered his ears and then moved his hands to cover John's mouth.

"Do you want us to go deaf? Seriously! Why are you all so stupid!?",Charles exclaimed

"Go look in the mirror first asshat", Herc cut him off and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

Lafayette took his as well,however he drank a little too much and since the drink was hot-it didn't feel good.

"OOOWWW! IT'S HOT!",he screamed almost droping the cup.

"Just like you",Herc whispered.

"What?",Laf looked at him with a confused expression.

"WHAT?",everyone looked at him.

"What?",he looked at them with a confused face like he didn't just say 'THAT'.

"IT'S SNOWING!!!!",Philip and John screamed and ran to the window.

"Dear god save us all",King George began.

"You two are like children",Burr whispered.

"Mom?",Philip asked.

"Yeah?",you turned around to look at him.

He then turned around with the biggest freaking smile ever seen and sang:"Do you wanna build a snowman?-"


I'm so sorry for being gone for so LONG! But I'm back and ready for this book once again. I'm very sorry that I missed christmas but I will try to have at least a shorter chapter for new years. Anyways I am so sorry for being gone that long and I'm so thankfull for all the love and support this book has gotten. Thank you,thank YOU so much! Because if it wasn't for you,this book wouldn't be here. Thank you once again. Words cannot discribe how happy I am that there are people who take time out of their day to read this crap of a book. So for the last time in this chapter: Thank you all!🌟💜

Word count:1021

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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