•Chapter Three{I Am Philip,The Dead Poet}•

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•3rd/Narrator POV•
You woke up only to turn around and see a man laying next to you.

"AAAHHHHH!!!",You yelled and once you did he joined in on the yelling.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!",you both continued to yell until the Hamilsquad all strormed into the room looking around franticaly.


"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?(bekfast!)(anyone get that joke?)"

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas (Y/n)!?(What's wrong (Y/n)!?)"

"That!!",you said pointing to the man that was in your bed. Alexander looked at him,shocked:"Philip?"

"DAD!",'Philip' yelled.
"I thought you were dead! I'm so glad to see you again!",Alexander yelled as the two men came together in a hug, pretty much crying. It was actually kinda touching.

"(Y/n) this is Philip,he is Alexander's son",John said pointing to Philip.

"Why were you screaming,mon amie?", Lafayette asked you,putting a hand on your shoulder with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh I don't know,maybe because he was in my bed!!!!",you yelled.

"Okay,okay,Angelica 2.0 you can calm down now",Thomas laughed and you glared at him.

"I'll get you some water,(Y/n)",said James and ran down to the kitchen. You sighted.

"Hello,(Y/n) was it? I am Philip Hamilton",Philip said as he took your hand and kissed it just like Alexander did.

"Well he is definetly your son",you said looking over to Alexander.

"Yes he is"he responded.

"Which is why he died in a duel", Thomads whispered.


"Well,my name is (Y/n) (L/n). And I am going to have to explain everything to him as well aren't?", you asked looking over at the other men as they all noded.

James came up stairs with a glass of water and gave it to you:"Here you go (Y/n)."

"Thank you,James",you thanked him and drank the water.

"Let's get ourselves something to eat", Hercules said and walked down the stairs as the rest of the men shouted in agreement.
*Time Skip brought to you by John Laurens' gay ass(and that is a good thing)*
After the eating and explaining of all stuff to Philip you guys had nothing to do...again. So you desided to show them games,and you choose to show them Mario Kart 8.

Biggest mistake you've ever made.

After that it started raining and you could hear thunder so you turned the game off,which the guys were really upset about.

But you told them that if they keep playing they have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning and therefor dying.
Alexander wasn't only just scared of this,he wasn't terrified, he was petrafied! He curled up into a little ball at the side of the couch and started shacking.

You and Larens tried to calm him down,but it was a failure. It didn't help that Thomas was being a tottal prick about it either.

"Shut up or I will punch you",you said through your teeth.

"But you said no punching,(Y/n)", Hercules said.

"I never said those rules applied to me now did I?!",you yelled,"Now shut it, all of you! Exept you John."

"Alex,it's just rain....and thunder it can't do anything to us",John said,

"Right (Y/n)?" You just stayed silent.
"Alex? Alex? Alexander Hamil-",John behan but you shushed him,"He's sleeping you idiot."

"Oh,okay. Sorry",John apoligised and looked back at Alexander.

"I'll go get some warmer blankets,it's getting really cold down here",you said and went upstairs. Once you returned you gave each one of them their blanket and covered up Alex with his.

"Anyone want tea? Or hot chocolate?", you asked.

"Tea!",James,Thomas and Burr yelled.
"Hot chocolate!",the rest of them yelled.

"Okay,I'll be right back",you said and got up to the kitchen to make some tea and hot chocolate.

After you did,you gave it to them and sat down on the floor between Lafayette and Thomas,or "the long lost twins" as you called them.

You didn't have a blanket so you were pretty cold but you had your hot chocolate and that was enough. Haha....no. You started shivering a bit and both of the men next to you had to notice so they both put their blankets on you,while still keeping themselves covered. They made eye contact with each other,but relaxed anyways.

You just sat in the middle with a small smile on your lips,your cheeks dusted with a pretty pink.
"My life is complete",you thought to yourself.

You swore you saw a disaproving face expression on both Herc's and James's faces.

After about half an hour everyone was sleeping. Lafayette and Thomas were both sleeping as well, their heads on yoyr shoulders which caused major pain for you but you let it slide.

You looked over at Alexander as he was still asleep,you wondered why he was so scared of the rain. Or was it the thunder? Probably the thunder, but why? Oh-OH! Well...How didn't you remember earlier?

Soon you could feel your eyelids getting heavier,so you closed your eyes and leaned on Lafayette's/Thomas' head as you fell asleep.
Okay so as you can see I went full Lafayette amd Thomas fangirl mode
But everyone loves Laf so it can't be that bad right? Right? Yeah it's bad...

Word count:968

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