Chapter 15

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Lily's P

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Lily's P.O.V

"Hi" I replied awkwardly. "so what are you buying?" he asked walking with me. "ah just some home stuff" I said with a smile. Silence filled up between us, "umm, Lily?" Taehyung said, as I looked at him. Why does he look so nervous?, "I was wondering if yo-" but he was cut off as all the other came up to us. "what is it Taehyung?" I asked, as all the others looked at Taehyung in curiosity. "ah no..nothing, nevermind" he said scratching the back of his neck. I nodded as all of us went to pay for the goods. Once we paid all of us exited the store, "do you guys wanna eat ice cream, there's a ice cream café near by" Taehyung said, but though he said it to everyone, he mainly looked at me as if he was indirectly telling me.

"yes! We'll come" Eunji said as fast as she could, whats wrong with her? She acts like she has never eaten ice cream before. "I'm coming too" Hoseok said raising his hand like a little kid. "mianhe, I can't come" I said looking at Eunji and then at Taehyung. Taehyung's smile disappeared, "why can't you come?" Eunji asked, "I have two assignments to complete which are due tomorrow" I said with a sad tone. "ah, it's ok then, but I'm going okay?" Eunji asked, I nodded my head in agreement. "I'm not coming, I have research to do" Jin oppa said, "I'm not coming either, I wanna sleep" Yoongi oppa butted in. "okay then I guess it's only three of us" Hoseok said while Eunji smiled.

I looked at Taehyung as and noticed he was starring at me, I looked around, too embarrassed to look at him. "here take these" Eunji said handing me the bags. Afterwards we parted away, me Jin oppa and Yoongi oppa heading home while Hoseok, Taehyung and Eunji headed to the ice cream café. Seeing me struggle with a lot of bags in my hands Yoongi helped, "here give me some" he said, "no oppa its okay" I said walking, "its okay Lily just give him some bags since he's not carrying anything" Jin said with a smile. I nodded and handed some bags to Yoongi, as we laughed all the way home for Jin's jokes and puns. Once we were in, yoongi kindly handed me my bags as I thanked him and went in.

*1 hour later*

Eunji's P.O.V

"I'm back" I shouted as I entered the apartment. I went to my room and fell on my bed and starred at the ceiling. "what did you do?, you were like gone for a whole hour" Lily asked crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame. "Geez mom are you angry?" I asked in a mocking tone. "whatever" Lily said while shaking her head and going back to her room. What's wrong with me? do I really like Taehyung?


"you two go and sit down, I'll order ice cream" Taehyung said and went to order. "so Eunji do you have a boyfriend?" Hoseok asked findling with a tissue. "nope" I said, "jeomal?" Hoseok asked with a smile, "hmm, but I think I like someone" I said biting my lip, thinking whether I should tell him or not. "ohh umm really? Wh..who is it?" he asked, for some reason Hoseok looked really nervous. "Taehyung" I said looking at my hands, "ahh really?" he asked while I nodded, "but oppa, please don't tell him okay, I trust you" I said panicking, "don't worry I wont tell anyone" he said giving me a faint smile. "here are your ice creams" Taehyung said handing me my one, but for a brief second my hand touched his, I felt like melting that instance.


I hope Hoseok oppa won't tell anyone, especially Taehyung. But anyways he promised not to say anything, so it'll be fine

Third persons P.O.V

"ah at last I'm done" Lily said as she stretched herself and walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After a while she came back and went to bed as it was past 11:00pm.

Lily's P.O.V

Suddenly I woke up as sweat was running down my forehead. What was that? What was that voice? Who was it? 'Even though we were not meant to be together this life, our next life we will be together'. I walked to the kitchen and drank some water, then I went to the bathroom and washed my face with some water, I took my towel and dried my face as I starred into the mirror. I can't stop thinking about the voice, who was that? What does it mean?. My head was filled with questions, I checked the time as it was past 1:00am.

I couldn't sleep, so I put on my light red hoodie and walked out the door. Even though its past 1:00am, I wanted to go and and have some fresh air so that what I exactly did. I slowly opened the door, not wanting to wake eunji up. I then took the elevator and went downstairs and out of the building. Outside the apartment complex there was a bench, I went and sat down looking at the twinkling stars above me. "beautiful isn't it?" I heard a voice say, I looked to my side and saw Taehyung sitting next to me wearing a black hoodie, his eyes were fixed to the night sky. "hmm" I replied looking at the shining stars.

"why did you come out?" he asked, "I couldn't fall asleep" I said, "give me your phone" he said in a calm voice, I looked at his extended hand and handed him my phone which was in the pocket of my hoodie. He typed something in and handed the phone back, it was his number. "here after if you want to come out or if you're not sleepy, call me, it's dangerous outside" he said looking me in the eyes and back to the night sky.

The feeling of safeness was flowing with me, whenever his presence is there, I always feel protected and secure. For a minute there was a peaceful silence, "lily, what do you think the feeling falling in love is?" Taehyung asked, this time looking straight at me and not at the sky, "I think love is when you're with the right person at the right time, when you're with someone who makes you go crazy inside and makes you feel secure and protected, also at first it would be really awkward between the two but when they are together, they forget about the world as they are too attached to each others presence" I said looking at the stars and back to Taehyung who was already starring at me, this time I couldn't help but stare back at him, his eyes shining in the night sky. Slowly and gently Taehyung started leaning in as I had no control over myself, my legs were weak and my body stiffened.

Soon his lips crashed on mine as he came closer, it felt like heaven, and it felt so right. Fireworks were exploding inside me as if I was some kind of carnival, my stomach felt like it was doing backflips. Taehyungs lips pressed harder on mine, but ever so gently and slow, it was like our lips were meant to be together, the feeling was so real yet so innocent and perfect. I felt like the time hand stopped and the only ones who lived in this worlds were me and Taehyung.

After some seconds we parted away as I looked into his eyes trying to find a meaning of what just happened, then realization hit me. I just kissed Taehyung! "umm, I'm I'm sorry" I said looking away in embarrassment, "no it's oka-" but I cut him off by quickly standing up, "well umm, good night" I said quickly and ran to the elevator and to my apartment leaving Taehyung behind as I heard him call my name.

I quickly rushed to my bedroom, taking off the hoodie and crawling into bed. My heart was racing and my mind was going crazy, all I could think of was what just happened now. I gently touched my lips as I could still feel his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and hid my face under the sheets in embarrassment.

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