Chapter 19

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Taehyung's P

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Taehyung ah, Taehyung-ah wake up" Jin said shaking me. "hyung will you please leave me alone" I said rolling over. "yah get up, don't you have class at 10am" he said, "I'll come" I muffled into the pillow as Jin hyung sighed walking out the room. To be honest I really don't feel like going to lectures, if I go that means I will see lily and that will just make my heart break. She's been ignoring me for so many days now, and I have no idea why.

She can't talk with me but she always has time to talk with Yoongi hyung. It makes me angry and sad, why is she doing this to me, she always talks with the others, but just not me. I hate it, I hate it so much, I've tried to talk to her but she would ignore me or just run away. She won't answer my messages, neither my calls. I've had enough of it. I got up as I walked to the bathroom, yet again getting ready for a day of ignorance.

Eunji is always so clingy and acts cutesy, Hoseok hyung doesn't really talk much with me, and I just can't help but feel envious of Yoongi hyung. That's it, I have had enough of lily's ignorance, within today I will settle this, I can't keep up with this, seeing the girl I like ignore me without even any explanation. Tonight I will settle this for good.

Lily's P.O.V

As me and Eunji got of the car and made our way into the building, I couldn't help but wonder if Taehyung was around. "Lily, I have a group research which overs at 7:30pm" Eunji said as we sat down in the lobby. "oh, okay then here, have the car keys" I said handing the keys. "I can go on the bus, since my classes over at 3:00pm" I said with a smile, "gomawo Lily" Eunji said with a smile. "oh it's nearly 10am, I gotta go to class, see you at night then?" I asked standing up, taking my paper set. "yeah okay, study well" she said, as we went our separate ways, I went my business studies class and Eunji to the library.

Wait, I have business studies for my first 3 hours, oh no that means..Taehyung will be there. I started to get panicky but opened the door with a calm face. The lecturer hasn't arrived yet, I scanned around the room and let us a breath of relief, no Taehyung. I sat at the corner of a table, which no one was sitting at. Soon the class filled in, no one sat near me, leaving two empty seats at my desk. the lecturer came in and started taking attendance, but there was no sight of Jimin and Taehyung.

Suddenly the door open and came in Jimin and Taehyung panting like they've run a mile. "late I see" the lecturer said sternly looking at both of them. Both Taehyung and Jimin bowed as the lecturer wrote down their names, I looked around, oh shoot there are no seats except near my desk. Just then Jimin and Taehyung came to my table as, Jimin nudged Taehyung to sit next to me and Jimin sat next to Taehyung, so now Taehyung was in the middle of me and jimin. I shifted a little, but couldn't help as my heart raced. "good morning lily" Jimin said bending his head so he could see me, "ah good morning" I said back. I felt Taehyung starring at me, my hands getting sweaty and my focus going off. Teaehyung, only if you knew how much I want to be with you, to hold your hand and to tell you how much I like you.

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