Better Punishment

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  Soul knocked on Spell Caster's door. He slipped his hands into his pocket and felt a piece of paper, he reached inside and pulled it out, a too perfect note was in his hand and it read: "For Spell Caster's eyes only". 

 The door opened and Spell Caster barely looked like she was going to kill him, in fact she looked like she was bored.


 "I need to talk to you, but I figure whatever Avalon has written in this letter is more important." 

He held it out to her and she opened it. As she read it her face drained of color.

"Where did you see him last?"

"Lower barracks, why?" 

"How long ago?" 

"Ten minutes."
"Show me where, now." 

 Soul opened the door and let her out, she motioned for him to lead the way and he did.

"Hurry." She snapped. 


"I'll tell you if it isn't too late." 

 Soul broke into a run and she followed. They got to the barracks quickly and she inquired about Avalon.

"He went towards the gulch, carried a knife. Probably went fishing." 

Spell Caster thanked the people who told her while Soul silently stole a knife of his own. They ran and got there almost too fast. Avalon stood a few feet away from the over hang and he was  getting ready to kill himself.


Avalon spun around and Soul threw his knife, it hit Avalon's and was embedded in the rock on the other side.

"Spell Caster, you know it's better if I'm dead. I am doing nothing except ruining your relationship with him. As soon as I came back you stopped loving him."
Soul glanced at Spell Caster who looked enraged.

"So instead of knocking any sense into me, all you do is take the easy way out?"

"You're one to talk." 

 Spell Caster looked wounded but didn't lower her head. "You are wrong, I will never stop loving him. Last night you made me see that." 

Avalon glanced at Soul. "I thought you wouldn't go to her. You did."
"I am not a coward...Just come back with us. Look at how happy everyone has been with something to do other than worry, you even got Spell Caster's lazy ass to move!"
"Oh fuck you."

 Avalon smiled for a second, she never stopped being herself did she? She was a better person now though.

"That is why you wanted Micheal to leave, wasn't it? So no one could bring you back besides Life and Time? But even they couldn't. No, they don't have full control yet."

"Spell Caster, you will never focus on life with him if I am alive."
"Stop telling yourself that. I have had my entire life without you, just come back and if you still don't like it, I can send you somewhere far, far away from here."

 Avalon sighed. His dagger was in the wall on the other side of the gulch.

"And besides, didn't you tell me once living was a better punishment then dying?" 

He looked at her and smiled. "You're memory seems a lot better these days."
"Are you coming back or not?"

"What does Heather want? I have to leave if she dislikes me." 

"Are you going to come back and get a chance at slicing into Selena or are you going to slice into yourself and ruin a chance at winning this? You know this isn't the way to go." 

 Avalon nodded slowly. "I remember the time I told you that when you wanted to go."

"Yes or no?"

"...Very well, yes. But for my own reasons. If you reject your husband again, I'm going to  beat the living hell out of you."
"Just came off the butchering block and already your bossin' me around?" She rolled her eyes and Avalon walked over.

 He led her over to Soul and gave her up. "She's yours. Don't let her convince you otherwise."

Soul nodded. "Understood." 

"We'd better get back to camp before people panic." 


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