Someone Smashed A Window Right Behind Me

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Back when I was in the 8th grade, my mom and my brother had to venture out to Guitar Center to get my brother's guitar fixed. This meant that I was going to be home alone for an hour or two, which I was pretty used to.

Thirteen year old me immediately hops onto Minecraft. I started playing with two of my friends and was talking to them via Skype. It was a sunny day outside, and it was also a school day, so there was nothing to he scared about outside or anything.

After about thirty minutes of playing, I heard a loud bang that came from outside. It scared me but I thought nothing of it. It sounded like it came from my backyard, but I assumed it was just my neighbors working or doing something else.

Now the room I'm in has a sliding glass door, and windows all around it. I could not see outside because my mom put the blinds and curtains over every window before she left, just for my safety. I should have gotten up to check out what the noise was, but I was pretty focused on whatever I was doing in Minecraft.

Another loud bang happened, and this time I was sure it was on our house. I asked my friends in a whisper if they heard what I heard, but my mic didn't pick it up. Then I saw him for the first time. The blinds didn't reach all the way to the floor so there was about six inches of space on the bottom of the sliding glass door that you could see out of. Two black shoes were all I saw. At this point I'm freaking out, I put down my headset and am thinking of what to do.

In the midst of me looking at the shoes and figuring out what to do, the window directly behind me smashed, glass going all over me. The sound of it made my heart come out of my body. I quickly turn around and another man is behind the blinds that were still hanging, but I was still able to see him. He had a crow bar and was wearing a black hat.

Without thinking I make a bolt for the front door, not knowing if he was chasing me or not. (I should also mention I had a really bad leg injury from my track meet the previous day, and it was so bad I could barely walk.) I didn't even feel the pain; I had so much adrenaline.

I quickly threw open the front door and shut it right away without looking back. I ran across the street to my neighbors and climbed and jumped over her fence, still not noticing how bad my leg was hurting. Knocking on her door frantically for about 15 seconds she came out and I just rushed inside and told her to call 911.

The police showed up to my neighbors house within 10 minutes, and I pointed across the street to where my house was. They went through the entire house and through the backyard but there was no one there anymore.

The police came back to talk to me and said they found a partially smashed bathroom window (1st sound), and partially smashed sliding glass door (2nd sound), and of course the window completely smashed that was behind me.

The two guys were never found. The weird thing about the whole thing is why they were breaking into my house in complete daylight, and on a school day (idk if that matters). My friends who heard the whole thing through my mic heard the crash of the window, and some faint voices (the police even talked to them through my head set for the police report lol).

The whole event freaked me out for the next month, though I did get a lot of popularity in school. I am going to be a senior this year, and now I'm completely over it thankfully. I even joke about it a lot now lol.

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