An Approaching Figure In The Night

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This happened about 6 years ago. I live in a fairly small city, and at that time, was in a slightly sketchy area. It wasn't the full blown sketchy area, but I was on the border of the area just before the nicer area of the city.

Not a whole lot went on around this area. Mostly people that had lived in the houses for a few years or more, the odd student house, and some locally-owned small businesses.

I lived on the first of 3 floors in an old, but beautiful, Victorian home. We had a 4 bedroom unit with high ceilings, hardwood, natural light, and ample storage. It was great! And since it was juuuuuust inside the sketchy area, rent was reasonable.

I felt pretty safe in this house, but I don't really know why. I had 3 roommates and really only one of them would be any help in a crisis. But, I still felt safe for some reason.

Well, that changed quickly. This particular night, all my roommates had left to go to grab some snacks at the nearby convenience store. It was about 2am and I was fast asleep and had to get up for work in about 4 hours.

For some perspective, the head of my bed was against the outside wall of the house facing the street. The wall was directly behind my head, and the window was about a foot to my left while laying down.

I wake up to some kind of noise around my window. Groggy, I listened to see if I heard anything further or if it was a falling icicle or something. I heard nothing else, so I tried to fall back asleep. About 1 minute later, I hear my roommates return from their snack run through the back door at the other side of the house. So, I thought "okay, they probably tapped on my window to see if I was awake. Cool. Sleep time."

Again, I try to fall asleep. A couple minutes pass, and all of a sudden, I hear snow crunching around my window. Still partially asleep, groggy, and confused, I shift my eyes to look at the window. I can see just between the shades and the window frame and I see a figure approaching my window.

Honestly, I was in shock for a few seconds. Why was someone near my window? Am I dreaming? Who is this person?

As I am watching this person (they can't see in the room, or me, at the angle I'm on) they begin to GRAB MY WINDOW.

Remember how I said it was an old Victorian? Yeah, well, it had old wooden windows. Gorgeous, but maybe not the most secure.

This person then proceeds to pop open my window. I think my mouth actually opened ( like this :O ) as I'm watching this happen before my eyes.

He then reaches INTO MY ROOM and moves aside my curtain!!! The only thing I said, the only thing I could think at the time, was "WHAT THE F*CK?!".

I've never seen someone whip their head around so fast in all my days. He looked right at me and ran off.

I was laying there for another 30 seconds or so before I could even process what just happened. I got up and went into the common room and told my roommates what just occurred. Initially, they thought I was joking. Then they actually realized I was dead serious.

I ended up calling the local non emergency dispatch and they set up a radius around my area fairly quickly. Unfortunately, they didn't catch anyone.

I'm pretty sure it was the guy from across the street. But, I can't say for sure.

Turns out, the first noise I heard was the guy popping out the screen from the window. He kept walking and placed it against the next house, which the police found. I'm assuming he saw or heard my approaching roommates and waited until they were inside to return. I slept with a knife beside my bed for the rest of that tenancy and opted to slide my armoire in front of the window. I had to sacrifice natural light for a few months, but at least I felt a little bit safer.

To this day, I refuse to live in any ground-level units.

So, Mr. Attempted B&E/possible neighbour, let's not meet!

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