"I swear on my knife"

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Started living on my own for the first time in my life a year ago in one of the more low-income parts of downtown Charleston, SC. Since it's the Deep South, and Charleston is a major up-and-coming city (#1 for tourism, best city in the US on some Huffington post article etc.), there is a LOT of gentrification going on. Places that were historically African American neighborhoods becoming more upper-class and trendy chic, the homeless population and people of color being pushed farther out to the edges of the city. Typical stuff.

As a liberal white 20 year old male, I didn't really care about living in a neighborhood that was known to be "black and unsafe". My mantra was that if I mind my own business and be nice to people, they would at least leave me alone/be nice to me. For about 8 months, I loved it. Made friends with the neighbors etc. pretty nice community.

The only time I ever felt scared for my life was when I came home drunk one Tuesday night around 3am after drinking with some friends.

I bike everywhere downtown, so I got to my house, proceeded to sling my bike over my shoulder to walk to my upstairs apartment when I saw a shadow across the street in my peripheral. There was absolutely no one on the streets at this hour and it was dead quiet. I didn't think much about it, and just continued to walk up the stairs and unlock my door when I saw the shadow slowly cross the street to approach me. I heard the shadow say "hey!".

Because I was still pretty drunk and just wanted to get in the house at this point and sleep off my intoxication, I just said "hey" back over my shoulder. When all of a sudden this white bald guy walks up to me in a hospital gown with what I can only assume is blood on it, who smells like piss and feces and stares at me with these wide crazy ass eyes, pulls out this big ass knife, points it at me, and says "I swear on my knife I just want head from some black chick." I froze, and said "what?" He just repeats "I swear on my knife man I just want head from some black chick". With my big ass bike over my shoulder still and half way up my stairs, I was in no position to fight back. So all I decided to say was "I don't know what the hell you're talking about man, but I don't appreciate you pointing that knife at me"

He looks at me for a minute, looks at his knife, laughs and stumbles away. I high tail it to the door, fumble with the lock, throw my bike inside, lock the door and decided to wait and listen to see if he was still outside. I grabbed my knife, and went back outside on my porch to see where he went off to. (I didn't want him to be lurking around my doorstep) I looked around, and listened for a good 10-15 minutes to see if he was still around but the guy just disappeared. Like he never existed in the first place. It was dead quiet again and I decided to go back inside.

Can confirm, the "crazies" exist out there and they scare the shit out of me.

I lived in a neighborhood for an entire year that was known as a historically "bad" part of town because there were more people of color living there, had a wonderful time until one really scary white guy decides to shake up my world, and remind me to always ALWAYS stay alert when out in the streets.

So, bald guy with crazy eyes, I hope you got some head that night, and let's not meet again.

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