Scare Of My Life At The Bus Stop

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I am female and am now 23, this happened around the time that I was 15 yrs old. I've had a couple encounters that have been very creepy, but this encounter had me shaken up to my core. Around this time It was my sophomore year in high school. So a little backstory to help understand the story I'm about to tell.

At the time i was going through a phase as most teenagers do. I wore short shorts most the time and fishnets. My shirts really weren't tops that 15 year olds should wear, but still we do. I cringe at my outfits back then and my make up, but that was then.

I was involved in my high school color guard. We are apart of band except we don't play instruments, we would spin colorful flags.We also used riffles and sabers in our performances.

Around this time it was the fall and we were practicing our show. Doing a lot of reruns to try and perfect it before our usual competitions. Normally practice would start at 4 and end almost at 9.

Side note I didn't live close to my high school like most people that went there. The drive would take at least 15 minutes max. Walking from my house to school would take an hour and taking the bus would take 45 minutes.

My brother at this time worked late hours and my parents didn't get off of work till midnight. So my next best choice was the bus. The neighborhood wasn't the worst, but it also wasn't safe to be walking home at night.

Even before this night I was always a little on edge. So on this night I was saying goodbye to my friends and not wanting to bug them for a ride I walked to my bus stop. I had my cellphone and started scrolling through fb. I would occasionally glance up and look at my surroundings. I noticed a car slowing down in front of my bus stop, but it immediately signaled to make a turn to my left. I didn't think much about it since there are houses behind that bus stop. It wasn't weird until I noticed this car doing that again and then again and again.

I get scared easily and I am already a paranoid person. So this had my alarm bells ringing. It wasn't until he had basically passed by me for the seventh time that he finally parked on the curb by my bus stop.

That's when I got a look at him and that I took in his appearance. This happened a couple years ago so my memory isn't great. But I do remember he was Hispanic and reminded me a bit of an uncle of a friend of mine.

He spoke his first words to me that sent me panicking. To translate what he said to me in Spanish it was basically him saying " hey come over here, do you need a ride- hop in I'll take you."

He kept saying that for a good 5 minutes and then suddenly drove off. I then let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in. I was trying to calm myself down and tell myself it was over. But I knew it wasn't and I was right. His car showed back up and the thing about my bus stop is that there is a house behind it. Except before the house there is a good amount of space with just dirt. Cars can actually go in this space and I've seen it before.

But for some reason it shocked me to see him park behind my bus stop. At this point I was panicking and tears were falling down my cheeks rapidly. At this moment I was already thinking I'll never see my family because this man was going to take me. Also I was frozen in place, so I already know in crucial moments like this my reaction is to freeze. Not fight or flight, freezing is what I do. The worst thing to ever do.

I still believe it was the prayers that I was saying that saved me. At this time these two bulky guys were close by and were walking their pitbull on a leash. I'm a sucker for dog but at this time I couldn't speak or awe. In my frozen state I knew this was my only chance and fought to get the words out. It was my only chance to save myself and I'm so glad I spoke out.

"Excuse me, please please c-can you guys stay with me. That man in the car right there won't leave me alone- I'm very scared. Please, please stand by my side." My words choked up and I was shaking at this point. The guys were kindhearted and agreed. To come off more intimidating they crossed their arms across their chest and flexed a bit. They stared down the man who at this point had his window up and began reversing. He drove off and the guys stayed with me till my bus came. At this time it was 9:59.

I know that some of you might asked "why didn't you go back to your high school?" Well at this point no one was really there, mostly everyone had been picked up. I had a cellphone, but no one was going to be able to pick me up. This was my only transportation and that time I didn't know about Lyft or Uber. I'm not even sure it was a thing back then.

Overall I'm just happy to of been saved that day by the kindheart guys. I hope one day I could see the guys ,that stayed with me at the bus stop, to thank them. Because of them I am here and able to share this story of mine. I'm still shaken up at the memory of it because of the scare it gave me. After that incident I asked for ride for the remaining of that season. Sometimes even when you don't want to bug people with rides, it doesn't hurt to ask. It's better to be that annoying person than finding yourself in my situation. Stay safe when taking the bus at night

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