Detroit Cop

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I'm 25, female and an exotic dancer, living in the Detroit area. This story takes place on my way home from work one night at 2am, at the gas station near my house- about a week ago.

My boyfriend had needed to use my car, he dropped me to work and picked me up, so he was driving. There was a cop car parked right in front of the entrance, but other than that, we were the only customers. My boyfriend parked at the pump farthest from the entrance and I got out to go buy cigs.

As I walked in, I immediately almost bumped into a very tall, very buff police officer. He was standing in front of the cashier (who was behind bullet proof glass and spoke no english) and talking loudly, oblivious to the fact that the cashier had no idea what he was saying.

I apologized for bumping into him.

"Its okay, sweetie. Say, what are you? Like where you from? You look mixed."

"Guam," I said, annoyed, but still courteous. I'm terrified of police. Especially Detroit cops.

"Guam? Lot of hookers there, yeah?" He laughed.

"Uh, I wouldn't know, I was just a little girl..." I mumbled, trying to move past him to the register to buy my smokes. He was blocking my way. Suddenly, he reached an arm out and placed it on the small of my back, and because I was wearing a short coat, he easily wriggled his hand underneath it and my shirt, touching my bare skin.

"Well, you're not a little girl anymore, eh?" He was now pushing me slightly, guiding me back out the door. The way the store was set up, we were only a foot or so from the door. I was panicking a little bit, but because he was a cop, I didn't know how to react. I've been in plenty of similar situations without freezing up, but his authority really fucked with my head. I was so confused, I wasn't sure what he was doing.

We exited the store. His (empty) squad car was parked directly outside the doors. He was leading me towards it, talking loudly.

"I'm cruisin alone tonight. I could jack off if I wanted to! I love riding alone." His voice was echoing loudly throughout the pumps. I was number, but started dragging my feet a little, realizing how fucked up this really was.

Suddenly, I heard a car door slam and my boyfriend yelling my name. The cop's hand dropped away from my back and the beelined for his squad car without saying a word. Because of the way my car was parked behind the pump, the cop had not realized I wasn't alone. My boyfriend had the window cracked because he was smoking a cigarette and he had heard the cop making creepy comments and then spotted me being led to the squad car. He said I looked like a zombie. He had never seen me like that before. It freaked him out so bad, he slammed the car door, called my name and ran over to me.

By the time he got to me, the cop had left and I had snapped out of it. I started crying. A million thoughts went through my head. I was wearing heavy make up because I'd just left work, maybe he thought I was a hooker. I hadn't stopped him, he probably thought I wanted whatever he wanted to do to me. I felt ashamed and embarrassed. My boyfriend did his best to console me. He even tried to ask the cashier for help, but he spoke no English and just kept saying "no cops, no cops, please."

He was probably illegal. I understand. He also had no idea what had just happened. I mean, I was THERE and I could hardly process it.

In the end, we just went home and tried to forget about it. I've been avoiding that gas station and I never go out alone anymore.

My heart stops for a second every time I see a Detroit cop behind me while I'm driving.

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