2: Running Boy

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Eleven years had gone by that faithful day, when he realized his 'father' didn't love him. He was heart broken, almost dying at such a young age. Ever since then, he has been placed from foster home to foster home at Keith's wishes to prevent getting to attached. He was /afraid/ of love and he had to leave to make sure nothing like what happened before would happen again.

The Shiroganes were nice, much better and kinder then the last family that took care of Keith last. They're house is big, and near the ocean, living out their earlier retirement on the beach after their son, Takashi, left for collage.

Keith got his own room, Mrs Shirogane always made him and her husband breakfast lunch and dinner, always wanting to tryout new recipes, and Mr Shirogane always told him that if there was anything he needed to just let them know, and he would always say it with a truthful smile. They were nice, really nice, and Keith always felt guilty whenever he pushed them away when they were just trying to help.

In this particular morning, Keith really didn't feel like being a conversationalist at breakfast, which he couldn't never really escape since both of his foster parents were morning people, so he got his phone, earbuds, and a granola bar and left the house before the two woke up. He did this a lot so he knew that they won't worry, this might be the only thing he didn't feel to guilty about doing other then the fact that he can't try Mrs Siroganes new breakfast recipe.

He walked down steps from the front door to the street since all the bigger houses on this road were on weird stilt things that Keith remembers vaguely of Mr Shirogane explaining that it's too keep the houses from flooding in emergency, but Keith always thought it was idiotic to even build houses where there could be major floods or storms like that. He walks to the main road of the town, looking both ways to see that no car is coming, then sprints across the pavement. Once he walked close enough to the beach that the ground was mostly sand, he took his shoes off to carry them to walk barefoot down the beach.

This morning was actually quite beautiful, whispy clouds that were backlit from the pinks and oranges that started to light up the sky as the sun rose in the direction he was facing, to the water. The soft salt breeze off the ocean immediately brushing against him once he walked past the sand dunes, almost greeting him to the empty beach before everyone started to show up to play in the water or get their tans. The beach was completely empty except for one boy who was running. He looked like he was around his age, a dark sunkissed looking boy with many freackles across his face and shoulders, his eyes a bright spring blue. He could never run like how that boy was running now, he was shirtless, and Keith would never be seen alive in public shirtless, not wanting his scar that was prominent down his torso to be seen. That one day still haunts him today, why wouldn't it? That night he remembered crying and being in pain and wanting his father to comfort him and care for him, and then the next morning all he remembers is the numb feeling that he had in his heart, how empty he felt after the surgery that left the long scar down his front.

Keith took a deep breath, wanting to shake that memory from his head, knowing that he probably thinks about it to much. Looking down at his feet and loud music in his ears, he didn't notice the running boy jog up to him until he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He looked up at him with a sort of blank expression he always put on to keep people who might want to talk with him away.

"I haven't seen you around before, are you new?" The warm skinned boy said with a soft and bright smile, probably the most beautiful smile he's seen. "This town is old, and small. We rarely get people to visit and we rarely get people leaving, it's not irregular to know everyone's face around here, and yours I don't know!" He said boldly, obvious that he was literally just being himself. 'I don't neeed this' Keith though to himself, a soft and annoyed sigh escaping him, small enough that Lance didn't catch up on it. He looked away and started to walk again, pretending that he couldn't hear him over his music, tieing his thin flanal around his waist as he walked slowly, but then the boy started to walk next to him, obviously not getting the hint. "I'm Lance!!" The boy said, now Keith had to respond, knowing that he probably won't leave until he does. He finally takes his earbuds out and faces him.

"Um, yeah. I'm new. I'm staying with the Shiroganes for the time being, it's not permanent, but, it's nice to meet you too." Keith responded out of politeness, but sort of just wanting this conversation to be over already. "I'm Keith" he said, leaving out his last name for obvious reasons to himself.

"Pleasure to meet you Keith!" Lance said full of energy, "oh, and by the way, the forecast said it's going to be hot today, and the sun is coming up, so I suggest that if your planning on staying outside you should put your hair up or change your shirt out of black or something" he suggested. Lance takes a blue hair tie from his wrist and hands it to Keith, also handing him the water bottle that he hadn't drank from yet during his run.

"Um, I don't need this, thank you though" Keith said, trying to deny the gifts, not wanting to take something from him because that means he'll have to repay him later.

"Yes you do, keep your hair off your neck, and drink lots of water if you're going to stay out. My house is right down there so don't feel feel bad for taking my water, I'll just get a drink when I get home" he insisted to Keith, basically pushing the water and the hair tie in his hands.

"Oh. Umm..... thanks I guess?" Keith said in a confused tone, hesitantly taking the two things.

"No problem!! And don't feel the need to return them, I have many at home" Lance reassured him, putting his hand on Keith's shoulder almost as a farewell as he starts to run down the beach again, "see you again soon!" He said as he ran, waving to him softly.

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