Chapter 1

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I stood at the curve way, waiting for my bus to arrive. My mom holding my hand walking me across the streets.

"Mommy?", I asked.

"Yes, Beth?", she said with a warm smile.

"What if I don't make friends in kindergarden?".

"I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends sweetie, you're there to learn anyway. You probably won't have time to make friends today, you'll be fine, I promise." Spoke my mother.

As my mother finished speaking, I heard a vehicle drive by as the old faded yellow bus came driving along the road with a load of screaming kids inside.

"I love you mommy!", I cried to my mother as I was running to catch the bus.

"I love you too sweetie!", screamed my mom, as I saw her standing there waiting for the bus to fly by.

I walked on the bus, and the bus driver smiled and I turned to see there was no more seats left on the bus.

"There is a seat at the back by Kenny", yelled the bus driver as I urged to make my way to the back of the bus.

I came to find a little boy about my height, he was wearing glasses and he had light brown hair, with a striped shirt and socks that went up to his knees. He looked like a sweet kid, but nerdy. You could tell he didn't have many friends, but he still looked nice.

"H- Hello", I said to him softly.

"Hi", he said with a great big smile, poking out his big blue eyes.

"Can I sit here?" I said, nervously.

"Really? You want to sit with me? That's never happened before.", he says, looking at
me in surprise.

"We'll the bus driver told me to, plus this is the only seat left.", I snapped.

"Oh right", he said tilting his head down, picking at his finger nails.

"Just scoot over!", I yell, as he scoots over, pulling up his glasses.

We stayed silent the whole time on the bus. We didn't say a single word. He kept looking at me, and back at his book. I'm assuming he likes snakes because that's what he's reading about.

The bell rang and we had to go to our class. I asked an older kid for directions to where my class was.

Once the 6th grade kid kindly brought me to Mrs. Caldwell's class, I opened the door, as shy as ever. I looked to my right and I saw Kenny Miller sitting down at an assigned desk, reading the same snake book like on the bus.

"Bethany Young, right?", Mrs. Caldwell said to me with a sweet smile.

" Yes ma'am", I replied softly.

"You are sitting at Kenny's group with Stacy, Matt, and Brittany.", she informed me.

"Okay". I didn't know what else to say.

" HI!!" Yelled Stacy. I could already tell she was going to be my friend.

"Dude, can you please stop reading that stupid, silly book" Matt informed Kenny.

"Why can't I?" Asked Kenny in surprise.

"Because it's stupid, duh!" Replied Matt with a laugh.

"We'll alright" Kenny says as he shuts the book, after sliding his bookmark where he left off.

"Don't listen to stupid Matt, Kenny." Replied Brittany.

I didn't know what to do. I was just sitting there, silent. I didn't know if I should say something or not. I mean that was rude of Matt but I don't want to start a fight.

"Yeah" I replied back to Brittany. Everyone at my table was staring at me.

" Really, Bethany? You didn't have to reply you know." My face got hot. We're they being mean to me? This is my first day at school and I didn't know what to do.

"Bethany, me and Stacy are the cool girls and you don't ever join in with us, we say what we say, and you just listen." Said Brittany.

"Stop being mean to her!" Shouted Kenny. Everyone at the table gasped. I'm surprised Mrs. Caldwell didn't hear.

"Wow Kenny, do you like her or something?" Said Matt. The whole grouped cracked up, me and Kenny were frowning.

We got done with math class and science. We're about to head to lunch.

"C'mon kids, single file line everyone. Walk carefully" said Mrs. Caldwell.

I waited in line forever. I no one to talk to because nobody knew me, hardly anyone knew each other. We're in kindergarten. It's harder to find people we know. I saw Kenny with his lunch box eating his lunch all by himself. Not a lot of people were eating by themselves. Our whole class has to sit and eat lunch at one table. And he sits all the way at the end.

I finally get my food and I'm trying to figure out where to sit at. I want to sit by Kenny, but I don't want Stacy and Brittany to be rude to me and him about it. I'm walking down our table and I pass Kenny. I try to walk faster.

"Beth" he said. Why did he call me Beth? My name is Bethany . Not just 'beth'.

"Yes" I say politely. Hopefully he hurries up and asks me before they notice.

"Do you.. Want to umm....... Sit with me?" He says and his face gets hot.

I don't say a word and sit down. He smiles as he continues to eat his jelly sandwich.

"Why don't you put peanut butter on that? I tastes way better when you do that, it gives it extra flavor" I ask softly and he has a small smile.

"Umm... I'm allergic to peanut butter. About a year ago, my mom made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and my face blew up! Literally! And I even PASSED OUT!" He said with the biggest smile I've ever seen. He was so fascinated to tell me that.

"Woah!" I say trying to be as fascinated as I could.

Throughout all of lunch we were lost in conversation taking turns giving each other facts about each other back and forth. It was fun because he is so sweet and fun to talk to. I want to sit with him everyday. But the girls will definitely pick on me.

Suddenly, I see two girls coming near me. Brittany and Stacy.

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