Chapter 5

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When I woke up, it was 8:36! That's when I go out to the bus! Oh my gosh I'm going to be late! I quickly put on a pair of jeans and a Hollister t-shirt and quickly run my comb through my hair. I look great, actually. I quickly run into my moms room and she looks at me in surprise.

"I just woke up, my alarm didn't go off" is say as my moms eyes widen.

"Okay sweetie, let's go!"

"Mom....." Is say, I think about to cry.

"Oh my gosh, don't you have your final exam today!?!?" She screams and I sit on the couch and pull up my glasses.

"Umm yeah" I gulped. "I don't think I'm able to go in the gifted program!" I say so quiet, I hope my mom heard so I don't have to say it again. My teacher is going to be so disappointed in me, oh my gosh. I was so looking coward to this, I was so happy! This sucks. If I'm not there on the dot of 9:30, I can't take the test. Wait, we need to go now!!! And I might just make it!!

"Come on mom!! We need to go! If we get there by 9:30, I'll be able to take the test and have a chance at the gifted program!!"

My mom runs to the car, jingling the keys as she's running, plops in the car and starts the engine. I run into the car and throw my backpack in he back of the car.


We arrived at school and people were heading to class. I never realized how many people went to my junior High school. I started walking and everyone was staring at me. Maybe because I changed my hair and my Hollister outfit. Wow, I like this outfit. And I like this look. And I'm getting noticed! This is awesome! Okay Kenny, you have an exam, focus..

I'm getting complimented! I'm getting things like "Dang, you look.. AWESOME!" And "Gosh, you look really good!" And "woah.

I'm walking to my class as quickly as possible and then I bump into Beth. Great. She's gonna start talking to me and I don't have time.

"Hey! You look...different!" She says with a confused look.

"Great I Godda go" a say and walk away from her. I think I bumped into her. But she would know I didn't mean to.


Is Kenny mad at me? Why did he push me? Did he mean to? Why is he dressed like that? Is he trying to be cool? Why wasn't he on the bus? Why is he late? When did he ever shop at Hollister? Does he have an exam today? So many questions go through my mind as I turn around and see him speed walking down to his class. I wonder what's wrong.

I go to my class, thinking about Kenny and what's up. Does he not want to be friends anymore. I would cry if that ever happened.


I look at my watch and I'm halfway across school. I have 30 seconds until the bell rings! OH MY GOSH!!! I start running, I don't have that good of a choice, If I want to be in the gifted program that bad, then I would wrong. That teacher is so mean, he is definitely going to tell me I was late of I get there and I'm a second late. I better hurry.

15 seconds! I better freaking run! I'm so scared. I don't want to pass up this opportunity. This is my dream. Please get there, please. I have 10 seconds, I'm a couple buildings behind and the bells about to ring.

I'm walking up the steps of the building and I hear...


I run in and slam the door.

"Mr. Miller, why are you late?" Mr. Clevland says with an 'I'm waiting for an answer' face.

"Mr. Clevland I..." I get interrupted by the teacher.

"You were probably talking with your friends outside and didn't care you had an exam. It's okay, you won't take the test. Today is a 6,1,2,3,4 so go to your 6th period. Have a great day" he says without taking a breath.

"What?" I say in shock when I should've known.

"Did I stutter? I said you will not be taking the test" he says with his eyes widened and takes a seat.

"Mr. Clevland I woke up late and- " I got cut off again.

" I don't want any excuses! You either accept the fact you aren't taking the test and go to your 6th period or your going to the front office! GET OUT!" He screams and the room was silent. I ran out as quickly as possible and tears filled my face.

You will never see me cry, and when people see me crying, people will laugh. And I don't need that right now. Ever.

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