Didn't I My Dear?

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His eyes bored into me, as if he was peering into my heart and soul. I hate him. First he takes my nickname, then he just has to set up his best friend with my best friend. Is he trying to make my life hell?

It's hard to continue to hate him when one of my best friends, Elizabeth, is dating one of his bestfriend , Michael. He set them up together about 2 years ago. They're madly in love. He's always around, but I manage to keep my hatred for him strong.

My three best friends and I are enrolled in the University of Sydney. This is our 2nd year here. Carmen, Elizabeth and I go back to grade school. We've had our hearts set on going here together since grade 9. Sadly, along with us, came those 5 boys. I can't blame them though, this is one of the best uni's around here.

Elizabeth is dating one of them, Michael. Carmen has been head over heels for Luke Hemmings ever since grade 10. She fawns over how gorgeous he is, or how sweet, or even how he sneezes. Carmen is waiting for the day to come along when they will end up together. Niall and Calum don't have girlfriends, and I'm not looking into either of them. They are some of my friends I guess you could say.

Ever since Elizabeth and Michael began dating, the 8 of us became closer. Except for him and I of course. I don't mind the rest of them that much. I would just rather hang around my two friends then with the guys as well, but what can you do about it? Nothing. As long as those two are together, I'm stuck being around him everyday.

I will always hate Ashton Irwin and nothing can change that.

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