5. Dreams

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It was now 5:53. I was sitting on the stool, looking into my vanity mirror applying the last finishing touches to my makeup and hair. After trying on the dress we immediatly bought it and ran out to go grab some red pumps. 

I did a quick swipe of mascarra and red lipstick again, then sttod up in the mirror to admire the look. I don't even reconize myself. There was a small knock on my door, then Carmen peeked her head in. 

"You look outstanding Ash." She fully stepped into the room now, closing the door behind her. "Ashton is going to be knocked off his feet when he sees you. Oh and he is here by the way." Panick rushed into me. Was I ready for this? It'd been so many years since we went on a date. Would it be different tonight? "You'll be fine darling. Now lets get a quick picture together before you go off." She whipped out her phone and stood next to me in the mirror. 

We took a few serious pictures then loads of funny ones. I took in a deep breath then exited my room with Carmen in front of me, concealing me from Ashton. As we reached the door she stepped aside, showing each of us eachother. 

His eyes widen, as did mine. Ashton was dressed in a slick, black suit with a black tie and white under shirt. His hands were behind his back. I was astonished at this. He's never dressed up like this before. We must be going somewhere fancy. Did I under dress?

"Wow, um, Ashlyn you look, absolitely stunning," Ashton spoke as he took a step towards me. Once he reached me, he pulled his hand from behind his back handing me a beautiful bouqet of red roses. "For you my dear." My face began to burn with heat. I looked down towards my shoes so he wouldn't noticed, but I know he did. 

Carmen grabbed the roses from Ashton, going into the kitchen to put them in a vase. "May I?" Ashton extended his arm out to me, waiting for me ot place my hand in his. As my hand reached his, heat ran through my bones and they connected. His long fingers intertwined with my own. 

"Bye Carmen! Be back in a few hours!" I shouted behind my shoulder as we made out way to the door. 

"Wait! Hold up!" We stopped our movement as Carmen came bursting into the living room with her phone out. "I need a picture to send to Elizabeth. You know she'll be pissed if she doesn't get to see you heading out on your date." I sighed, yet plastered on a smile for the camera. Our hands were still entwined as she snapped the picture. "You are free to go. Use protection kids!"  She laughed, heading back into the kitchen. 

"It feels like high school all over again except instead of your mother, it's Carmen," Ashton stated, his voice cheery and pleasant. 

"Well I have to agree with you on that one. And i forgot to say, you look rather handsomew yourself," My wrods came out of my mouth as if I had recited them a million times. He turly did look amazing. My heart was fluttering as we climbed down the steps. 

Ashton released my hand only to open my door. I blushed and stepped inside. My heart beat grew louder and faster. He climbed into the seat next to me. The engine roared to life and we were off. I was getting nervous that Ashton would be able to hear my heartbeat... 

"Are you nervous?" His voice sounded like sweet honey, so smooth. 

"Kinda. I mean, no, well. We haven't done this in forever. I fell like we are moving too fast right now and maybe we should just be friends for a little." The car screeched to a hault as Ashton slammed on the breaks. His head snapped over to me. "Ashton move!" We were just sitting in the middle of the road. He veered into a gas station.

"You've got to be kidding with me. I've been waiting for this for years now. You will go on this date I don't care what you say. It is now my mission to make you change your mind and see that this is meant to be!" There was a hint of anger in his voice. I didn't mean to do that to him.

Didn't I My Dear? (Slow updates sorry)Where stories live. Discover now