3. Oops

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"ASHLYN WAKE UP!" Niall's voice was echoing throughout my body, shaking me. I tried swatting at the pest to shut him up but I couldn't swat him without looking.

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake!!!" I slowly opened my eyes so I wouldn't be blinded all at once. Once they were completely opened, I noticed we were here! I glanced out the windows to see we were rolling up to a huge area full of people laughing, dancing, singing and having fun. Seeing everyone else out there made me even more giddy.

As soon as we stopped moving, I was climbing over the seats. There was no way I was waiting for Niall to move. I want to get out and have some fun! As I was climbing out, a hand smacked my butt.

"BOOTY!" Carmen yelled. I laughed and fell over to the other side of the seat, falling onto Calum.

"Out out out! Everybody out! It's time to party!" I don't know what came over me but I'm 100 times more excited than I was before.

Once everyone was out and had everything together, we we're ready to go find our spot. We walked towards a patch of green grass, perfect for us. Luke laid down a to blanket for us to all sit on. I was jumping up and down, going crazy about this.

"WELCOME TO TONIGHT'S SHOW! WE. ARE. FALL OUT BOY!" With that, we all started screaming and jumping around. They began to sing I Don't Care, causing me to get even more excited. This had to be one of my favorite songs by them. We all sang along, dancing.

Fall Out Boy finished their part, and Blink-182 came out. They weren't my favorite.

I grabbed my phone to check my messages. There was one from my mom, one from my dad, and a voice mail from my dad. I first opened up my mom's text.

Hi honey, sorry to say it like this, but your father and I are getting divorced. Call me


No. This can't be happening right now. Not now, not here. I need somewhere to go and calm down. I need a break. I look over to the others who are going nuts. I notice that Ashton is the only one who isn't there.

I tap on Elizabeth's shoulder and let her know that I'm going to the bathroom. She just gave me and thumbs up and continued on. I wander off towards the trees in the back of the area, tears came almost as fast as my footsteps. There was no stopping them from freely flowing down my face.

How could they do this? They were so in love then bam they get divorced? How could they do this to me?! It would be different if I had my sister around, but no she ruined our relationship back in grade school.

I finally reach a thick willow tree. The long branches look beautiful and very concealing. I quickly slid down the tree and drop my head into my hands. I hear sniffles escape from me. It feels as if my body is shutting down, all from that one little message.

"Ashlyn?" I snap my head up to face the voice. I didn't know anyone would be out here?

It was Ashton.

"Ashlyn what's wrong?" He knelt down next to me, but I just shuffled away. "Ashlyn please, tell me what's wrong."

"Just get away from me Ashton. I don't want to talk to you, or anyone. Just leave me alone!" I try not to yell, but I can't help it. I need to take my anger out. It's his fault for being here at this time. He scoots closer to me and reaches out to rub my back. My first insect was to move away, but I couldn't. It felt so soothing and calming just having him there rubbing my back. I guess I could use a little he;p, even from him.

I give in and just wrap my arms around Ashton. I could feel the shock by him. I was in shock I was even talking to him, let alone touching him.

"Ashlyn? Please talk to me. Something must really be wrong for you to even be letting me near you."

"M-my parents. They're getting a di-divorce," I sobbed into Ashton's arms. He continued to rub my back, which caused some of the tears to slow down. My sobs slowed to where you could actually understand the words coming out of my mouth.

"Ashlyn I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" I shook my head.

"Just keep doing what you’re doing." By now, my tears had completely stopped. I actually felt better that Ashton was here with me. I tightened my grip around his neck. The more I hugged him, the better I felt..

I released my grip and sat across from him. I looked at his face and studied his eyes. I never knew that his eyes were that pretty. "Ashton?" he hummed in response. "Why are you comforting me? Why do you care? I always treat you like shit so why are you treating me so well?"

"Well I want to change. I want to become friends. I think it's pretty safe to say that Elizabeth and Michael will end up together so I  think we are stuck together for life so we need to start getting along." I guess he did have a point...

No. We can't be friends. It just won't work. He'll end up making fun of me or making me fall for him again. I don't even want to think about falling for this boy.

"Ashton, you know we can't ever be friends. We just won't work. I still have haunting memories from that night..." Memories came flooding back to me from grade school. The betrayal, heartbreak, hardship...

Ashton's voice brought me out of my state of remembrance. "Ashlyn, please, this isn't grade school anymore. You're the only one who still hasn't moved on. Carmen moved on and look at how happy she is!" His voice was starting to gain  some loudness which caused me to scoot away just a little bit. Guilt flashed across his face at my actions. "Ashlyn I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry I just don't understand why you can't move on." Steam and anger was building up in me. How didn't he understand?!

"You don't understand?! You are the reason I hate you! You brought this upon yourself! Carmen is happy because she doesn'y like to hold grudges and she wasn't affected as much as I was! You don't care about anyone but yourself! You're such a selfish dick, I bet you would win an award if you entered a contest!. Why now? Why are you trying soo hard to get my forgiveness? You'll have to work a lot harder if you expect me to just forget and move on! And again it'..."

I was cut off by two full lips crashing against mine. Sparks were going off like the fireworks on 4th of July. My heart rate sped up. I couldn't help myself, I had to kiss back. Our lips molded together.

Two arms wrapped around me tugging me on top of him as he fell back to lay on the ground. I bring my hands up to his head full of messy hair, entangling them in the brown mess. I began to part my legs, putting one on each side of his body. Ashton's tongue slowly ran across my bottom lip, hungrily asking for entrance. At first I was hesitant, but my heart took over and opened my mouth, granting his tongue a free expedition of my mouth. Ashton's hands slowly trailed down my back, reaching my butt. It's as if everything was melting away and all there was in this world was us two, Ashton Irwin and I.

That's when my brain kicked in.

I quickly climbed off of him and wiped my lips. He propped himself up on his elbows with a puzzled look on his face. "I-I have to go. I'm sorry I should've never given in. This never happened and no one is going to know about this. I'm sorry." And with that I raced back to the main area as fast as my legs would possibly go.

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