1. First Day

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I quickly press the lock button on my Iphone to check the time. 8:09. Great, I'm going to be late if this damn line doesn't get moving soon. I begin to tap my foot impatiently. "Next," the teenager behind register shouts. I walk up to the counter to order my favorite drink.

"A small Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino please." The young girls snaps her bubble gum and turns around to make my drink.

I remember when me and the girls used to work at Starbucks together. What good memories we made there.

"Here ya go." I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the girl. I place down the money and turn on my heel towards the door. As I'm approaching the door, it suddenly swings open spilling my drink on me and knocking me to the floor.

"I'm so so sorry Ma'am! Here lemme help you... Ashlyn?" I try to open my eyes up, only to be faced with him looking down on me, extending a hand. I quickly stand up, only to have the coffe spill even further down my dress. "Thanks a lot Ashton. Now I'm going to be late to class, I spilled my drink, and my favorite dress is ruined. Oh and it's Ash, not Ashlyn." My body whips around, walking into the frigid air outside of the Starbucks shop.

"Ashlyn wait! Please let me apol-" My body whips against the blistering wind to face the body of the boy trying to apologize.

"Just leave me alone!" My voice comes out a little bit more snappier then I planned for it to be, but at this point, I could care less about what he thinks. He stands there, looking at me. After I decide that he isn't going to say anything, I turn back around and start my route to campus again.

My first class of the day was Writing. This had to be my favorite class by far. I could write for days on end without getting bored. Right now we are working on an elective, where we can pick any topic to write about. This will for sure be my best piece. There's only one down side to this class though, Ashton's in it with me.

He has almost every class with me somehow. My other friends were also in most of my classes which is a bonus, but in this class, it's only me and him. I look over my shoulder to see him starring me down and following hot on my tail. His lips curl up into a smirk once he notices I'm looking at him. I simply roll my eyes in response and turn my back to him.

I'm desperatley hoping I have enough time to change quickly. I'll jusyt have to wear my backup outfit from my gym lokcer; a simple band sweatshirt and leggings. Ever since my huge accident in year 11 when I tripped and fell into the trash barrel, I keep an extra outfit in my gym locker.

I quickly snatched the pair of black leggings and sweatshirt from the locker. I tried to change as fast as possible. Once the outfit was on, I quickly ran off towards my class. I can't wait to just write again.

The loud, annoying bell rang loudly signaling class had started, just in time as I sat in my seat. The teacher walks into the room. My eyes graze him as I notice how beautiful he looks. Not meaning to sound weird or anything, but damn he was the hottest teacher I've seen in my life.

He reached his podium and took off his glasses and he looked up. My eyes became stuck to his beautiful emerald eyes. Brown ringlets were tusssled on the top of his head. He looked stunning.

"Good morning class. I'm your new writing teacher, Mr. Styles. Now let's take role call and if you get called by a nickname, please tell me so I can jot it down in my notes." His voice was enchanting. I glanced around to see every other girls drooling over to loely sight.

"Ashley Irving?" I was too busy staring to even notice he had called my name. I snapped out of my daze as soon as my named rolled off of his tounge like the water rolling down from the cliff of a waterfall.

"It's Ash." My words came out quiet and soft. Mr. Styles quickly grabbed his pencil from the podium and jotted down my nickname. "Ashton Irwin?" Oh yeah, I forgot that he wa in this class.

"Please call me Ash." The proximity of his voice caused me to turn around, only to be faced with the brown haired, green eyed boy. "Ummm you both are called Ash?" Mr. Styles questioned. I turned back around to face the beauty that stood before me.

"No, I'm Ash and that's Ashton." I jabbed my thumb behind while I talked.

"Correction, I'm Ash and she's Ashlyn." Here we go again.

"NO! I came up-" I was cut off by Mr. Styles yelling over us bantering. "EXCUSE ME! You both can be Ash okay?! You're girl Ash," He jabbed one of his long fingers towards me. "and you're boy Ash. There it's settled now let's continue please." I flipped Ashton off before turning back around to face the front of the class.

After our little interuption, class went by fast and it was now lunch. Finally I could hang out with my realy friends. As I walk into the loud court yard, I easily spot my group of friends hanging out at a table. Elizabeth was glued to Michael, Carmen was drooling over Luke who was scrolling through his phone, and Ashton was poking his lunch with a fork. I quickly made my way over and squeezed between Elizabeth and Carmen.

"Hey! How's your day been?" Carmen asked in her normal, quirky voice. I shrugged my shoulders and shoved a fork full of salad into my mouth to avoid the question.

"Oh good! You're here! I have to ask you two something. Could you come with me for a second?" Elizabeth questioned while she rose from her seat as Carmen and I both copied her actions. She began to lead us over to the big oak tree in the center of the courtyard. We all sat down next to each other. "So this weekend, there's a concert. I was wondering if you'd want to come with me? It's an all day festival type thing. There's three bands there! Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and blink-182 ! Pleaseeeeee?"

Carmen and I share a quick glance before we turn out gaze back to Elizabeth. It's almost like we can read each other's minds, that's how close we are. "Yeah we'd love to!" I answer for the both of us.

"Great! Thank you guys!" Elizabeth reaches over and embraces the three of us into a big bear hug before we rise off the ground. I brush off the dirt from my pants. We begin to walk back to the table.

The boys dispurse from their little group chat about something, probably pokemon knowing them. "Hey babe welcome back." Michael patted his lap for Elizabeth to sit down. "Oh ladies, what did you have to talk about that was so secret?" Michael asked while leaving a trail of kisses down Elizabeth's neck. I hope those two end up marrying eachother because I don't think they could survive without eachother

A/N: Picture of Elizabeth on the side (:

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