Chapter Eight

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Lumber's POV

Louis and I were sitting on the bus, they was hardly anyone inside of the bus so we didn't have to worry about keeping up our dating pretense, yet. The bus driver might not know who we were, or maybe he did but didn't care. And I wasn't going to go and ask him.

We sat side by side, in the very last row. I had demanded to get the window seat, and I practically forced Louis to give it to me.

"This seat is the best!" I bragged, in Lou's ear. There was nothing romantic about this yet, we were actin like we usually did. As best friends.

"I wanted the window seat!" Louis said, a bit sadly. But I wasn't convinced, it took a lot to make this boy upset. This certainly didn't.

I pointed to the seat next to the window on the other side of the bus. "Sit there, then." I said, smugly. I wondered if he really would move, if he really wanted to sit there.

But, of course, just to piss me off, he moved towards the other side of the bus. My face must have been priceless, because he had a smug smile when he say down.

"Lumber, catching flies, I see?" Louis asked. I quickly snapped out of my disbelief.

"I just can't believe you really did move!" I answered, surprise truly detectable in my tone. But what could I say? That I was staring at him for fun?

That would be just.. Weird? Awkward? Disturbing?

Louis never answered, instead he just looked away, and out the window. His nose was pressed up against the glass, he looked like a little kid. A little kid amazed at how fast we were going.

I seriously am friends with a boy who is to old for his personality.

If you picked up on it, the keyword is 'friends'.


Louis' POV

I smiled, as the previews started. We didn't have to wait long, thankfuclly. I knew I would end p yelling something random, and I don't think Lumber wants to get kicked out during this movie.

I could never stand watching previews, only because they basically were repeats. I sadly did not care about the next part of the vampire movie. What was the name of it again? Oh, Breaking Dawn Pt. 2.

The Avengers looked interesting, I would have to take Hazzah. He would like that. I would even wear my Superman shirt. Just to get in the spirit of the movie.

I tilted my head, so I was looking at Lumber. She looked so focused on the screen, it was funny. She also looked quite.. Beautiful. I know I shouldn't be thinking that, but what did I care, it was my mind! I turned my attention back to the screen, as I noticed the movie began.

"YEAH! THE MOVIE'S STARTING, HURRAY!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs. Why wasn't anyone else yelling, or clapping. Usually they did. But, instead, I earned glares from other Hunger Games fans. Oops.

"Lou! Shut up!" Lumber whispered sharply in my ear.

Even though her voice was supposed to be fierce, I actually shivered. It was the feeling when you like someone. I had to chase this feeling away, I couldn't afford to like Lumber. Besides Harry, and the boys she was my only friend.

Most relationsips didn't end well. I wasn't going to fall for her.

Well that's a problem, since we have to kiss, tonight.


It was an hour later, and I noticed that Katniss, Peeta, ZCato, and Thresh were alive. THe movie was excellent so far. I just got an eerie feeling, that it was going to scare me.. Soon.

Lumber knew this as well, she had that smirk on her face, the smirk when she knew something I didn't.

My eyes were glued to the screen, my handjs were gripped onto the hand rest. It was getting intense. Thresh had just died.

"Lou, close your eyes, it's scary." Lumber said, her voice was happy. She knew that I liked horror movies, but this was different. I didn't know what was going to happen.

"No." I whispered back, my voice a bit shakey. I wanted to know what was coming.

"Fine, I'll hold your hand., You'll need it."

I felt her grab my hand, and squeeze it. I was instantly calmed. It was shocking on how much I needed Lumber's encouragement.

I was leaning a tad bit forward, when the wolf mutation things came out of nowhere. THe whole theater shrieked, along with myself. I basically flew back and hit my back against the seat. I might have cut circulation off of Lumber's hand.

"Fuck, Lou. My hand" Lumber said, once she had recovered from the shock.

"Sorry, Lum Bug." I said, my breath shaking, and my heart was pounding. It was really a bad surprise.


I laughed, as Lumber and I boarded hthe train. We had just escaped some paparazzi that decided to make an appearance after the movie. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm sure Lumber did, too. She was still grinning, even after being ambushed.

"This is long overdue, but.." I said, calmly. I leaned into heir pressing my lips, against her soft ones. I melted inside.

Melted isn't the right word.

I practically exploded, with all the sparks going off. I was sure this wasn't supposed to happen. I shouldn't be feeling this way around my friend. One of my very best friends.

Somehow some of the paparazzi had managed to board the train. Flashes from the cameras were going off. I decided to play it up[, being the joker I am, I held my hand up in front of our faces.

We eventually had to break apart, to breathe. But, if my mind wasn't pulling tricks on me, then it seemed like Lumber actuall enjoyed the kiss. I know I did.

A/N: What did you guys think of their date?

Comment//Vote/Fan <-- I like reading your feedback :)

Happy Mother's Day :)


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