Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Lumber’s POV

It’s been a few more weeks, and it was almost time for them to go back on tour again. But, we still had two weeks left till we had to leave for America. But, Harry’s mother graciously invited us back to the bungalow.

I personally have never been, but all of the boys insisted that I come this time. They’ve done that almost before every tour, but this year they had another reason. For me to continue the act. I was extremely excited, because I’ve never been to anywhere outside of the UK, so America would be different.

The plan was to drive to Harry’s home today, but I wasn’t sure if it was going to go as planned. You know the boys, to ridiculous to get anything done. So, of course, they were all fooling around, and we were already behind. It didn’t really matter to me. I wasn’t the one who needed a vacation.

Louis and I had gone on a few more dates, but each one we made sure they got a few intimate pictures of us. But, truthfully, they were just like before this whole mess had happened. Two best friends going out to eat, or seeing a movie. We still acted the same.

“Louis! No not that!” I heard Liam shriek from downstairs, which followed a bunch of banging, and stomping.

I wasn’t that responsible, but I did want to join in with the fun. So, me being myself, I sprinted down the steps, and into the kitchen. Apparently they were having some massive food fight.

“Just for the record, I didn’t start it, therefore I’m not cleaning!” I shouted, so I would be heard. Almost as soon as I was done, I grabbed the bottle of ketchup and carefully aimed it at Zayn’s hair. I squeezed the bottle, very hard, and I received some great air. It ended with Zayn’s hair being splattered.

“My gorgeous hair… NO!” Zayn shouted, his hands now on his head, as he ran around the table.

“Take that, Curly!” Niall shouted, whipping some apple slices right at Harry’s face. Harry had no time to react, so he just stayed frozen, with his eyes squeezed tight. The apples hit him straight in the face.

I looked at Louis who was currently ducking behind the kitchen counter. I, of course, had to spoil it. Quite swiftly, I ran towards him, dodging the many food items that were being tossed from boy to boy. Louis was half standing, with his feet bent.

I was a few feet behind me, still unnoticed. Hopefully I could make the jump, unless he moved, I knew I would. But, if he did move, I would hit the counter, and I didn’t want to think about that one. I leapt into the air, with as much grace as a pig.

I landed on his back, as I hugged him tightly around his neck, and my legs around his stomach. “Lou! Shield me!” I cried into his ear, as I buried my face into his shoulder. I had food in my hair, but I had down a good job with protecting my face.

“Sorry, Lum Bug, no can do!” Louis replied, grabbing a fistful of some random peanut butter. Before I had time to jump off, I felt Lou’s grip on me tighten, as his hand full of peanut butter went flying backwards as he smeared it all over my face.

“Go Lou!” Harry cried, happily, doing a little jump. It was then when I jumped down from his back, and I grabbed a cheese stick off the table. I flung it right at Harry’s face, but he flicked it away at the last second. I wondered if they all took out this food, just to have a food fight.

It was something they would think of doing.

I had no time to even move, as chocolate pudding was being tossed at me, straight at my shirt. I glanced up to look at who was responsible. And, guess what? It was none other then the Liam Payne, himself.

People didn’t think he was as mischievous as the other boys. But, he was. Actually he was almost as bad as Lou, sometimes. Except, he knew when to be serious, and actually play the daddy in all of this. He was only the third oldest.

As the pudding hit my shirt, which I was thankful that I wasn’t wearing actual clothes. Well, they were. But, I consider them pajamas, because my pants were gray joggers, and I was wearing a purple t-shirt. Nothing special, really.

But, now I had to change, and I really, really didn’t want to climb stairs. Go ahead and call me lazy, I don’t really care. “Liam!” I shrieked, throwing my hands up, in defeat. “How could you betray me like that!” I cried, and dramatically fell into Zayn’s arms.

“Ew, Lumber!” Zayn said, as I made sure to get him even more dirty with the food I had covering me.

“Okay, lads… and lady. Time to go to the bungalow!” Harry called cheerily, as if he was ready to go right now. Right now, as in without anyone changing at all. And that we all just pile into the car looking like complete, and utter slobs.

“No!” The rest of us practically screamed in his face. His faced portrayed a hurt expression, causing everyone in the whole room to erupt into laughter. I loved these moments. We probably looked very stupid to everyone else, though. But, who cares?

“Let us change first, Haz.” Louis said, patting Harry’s head full of curls. But, I’m sure it was unpleasant considering how much food was in it, already.

“To ze’ showers!” Zayn cried, in his funny voice he uses occasionally. I sighed, but I knew I had to sprint upstairs to get into one of the two showers, first.

“I’m first!” I called, sprinting up the stairs, a few steps in front of the boys who were behind me. I hoped none of them would push me or anything, they were known to do that at times, and I didn’t like this dirty feeling.

I’m sure Niall did. I bet if he didn’t get in the shower first, he would just lick the food right off of him. I smiled at this, as I ran. I was almost at the top. But, that Irish lad never ceased to amuse me. His magical leprechauness was just to cute.

I did manage to rush into the first bathroom that we came across. That was the worst part, six people, two bathrooms. I shut the door, but I didn’t lock it. Never, ever lock the door when you’re taking a shower. Just in case anything happens, I wasn’t risking it.

But, I did lean against the back of the door, just in case anyone of them tried to break in. And, I didn’t want to be half naked, if they did.

I turned on the shower water, not undressing yet. I was still a bit weary. But, I did go through this every single day. It wasn’t really in my best interest to flash any of the boys. I’d rather leave it to their imagination, if anything. But, I would hope that they don’t think about that.

But, I was sure about one thing. This was going to be an interesting time at the bungalow.

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