Part Sixteen

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Fili sighed and slumped down in his tent, rubbing his temples as he tried to block out the commotion and chorus of angry voice that cut through the air outside. Some kind of outburst had broken out between a few of the soldiers, and Fili had decided to keep out of it and retire to his bed.

He heaved another sigh and climbed into his blankets, resting his head upon the soft pillow. He closed his eyes, but no sleep came, so he just lay there, motionless and silent, deep in thought.

The dwarf stayed like this for some time; the uproar had calmed down now, and a silence had settled on the whole camp. Fili was almost drifting into the clutches of sleep when he heard a rustle outside his tent and the flaps opened with a flourish. Fili bolted from his blankets, already reaching for his throwing daggers.

"Woah! Master Fili! It is only me!" A desperate voice sounded from the entrance.

Fili released the grip on his weapons and squinted in the darkness. A young dwarf, his chin lined with new stubble, stood before him, his hands trembling slightly as he hastily bowed.

Fili frowned, waving the greeting aside. "How can I help you?"

"Y-your uncle... Thorin... has ordered you to a meeting in his tent," The messenger mumbled, shifting from one foot to the other. "He says it's u-urgent."

The dwarf prince nodded and dismissed the agitated dwarf. He sighed inwardly, groaning as he rose from the warmth of his blankets and straightened out his attire.

Exiting his quarters, his eyes searched the gloom, lit by a series of crackling fires, until his gaze rested on a tent somewhat larger than the rest; a golden flag swayed and rippled in the breeze by the entrance. He huffed and marched through the camps towards it, pondering on what matters would need to be discussed at such a time.

As he swiped away the flap of the entrance and dragged himself into the brightly-lit accommodation, he stopped in his tracks. Thorin was pacing back and forth around a table, littered with a series of crumpled maps and documents. His eyes flared bright in the dim, flickering candles, but his face was creased with worry and despair. Noticing his nephew's arrival, he did not cease the desperate pacing, but merely gestured to one of the many seats tucked under the table.

Fili obeyed and slumped himself down, trying hard to suppress a yawn that threatened to break out. Glancing around the room, he noticed several other dwarves seated around the tent; scouts, from the look of their clothing. Their faces shone pale, their foreheads gleaming with sweat and their were eyes rounded in a state of shock, or perhaps horror.

The suspense was about to defeat the young dwarf when his brother entered the room, and Thorin immediately came to a halt. His gaze met Fili's, before switching to Kili's and he gestured for him to also seat himself beside his brother.

Kili nodded and merely sat in silence, obviously noting the air of panic and desperation.

"Why have you called us here, Uncle?" Fili asked, his eyes boring into Thorin's. He wanted to know everything that had occurred; what could have gotten them into such a state of distress?

Thorin clasped his hands together, taking a deep breath. He gestured for the scouts to stand, before speaking. "We sent these scouts out several days ago to track the movement of the orcs," Thorin explained, his expression slightly calmer now as he switched his gaze to and from each individual in the room. "They arrived some time ago with... with grave news. Please continue," He gasped, steadying himself as he gestured for the dwarves to speak, and closing his eyes. 

They nodded solemnly and turned to face the brothers. "My fellow companions and I," He began, gesturing to the four, proudly stood dwarves before them, each clad in a silver cloak bearing the crest of their family, "set out to track the army of Orcs. Stumbling upon one of their larger camps-"

"Quite by accident," Another added, cutting his brother off.

"Yes. By accident, we came across their leading pack. Not too far from our current settlement. What they're planning is serious, and not what we had expected..."

"They're sending off an army of about two thousand to Erebor. They know we would not acquire help from our alliances; they know we've taken most of our finest warriors to meet them on the battlefield; and now they're planning to catch us off guard and attack the city."

Fili was stricken with horror at the situation; his family, friends, his home would all be destroyed by those wretched beasts. They must be stopped!

"We cannot let this happen!" Fili cried, bolting up from his chair with such speed it went skittering across the floor.

Kili nodded, also rising, his face set with fierce determination.

"We shall set back out and meet them before they reach our beloved city. We cannot let them succeed!"

Thorin nodded, his face brightening slightly as his nephews' determination. They really had grown into fine, young warriors.

"Yes. We must not..." Thorin muttered thoughtfully, clasping and unclasping his hands. He suddenly nodded, straightening his stance. "Right. The purpose of this meeting was to inform you on the current affairs. This has been achieved; I now dismiss you back to your quarters. We shall discuss this further in the morning. I have much to think about..." He trailed off, muttering something inaudible and began gathering documents together.

The brothers took this as a sign to leave and glanced at each other before exiting and retiring to their own tents.

Fili slept restlessly that night; strange thoughts plagued his mind.

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