Part Twenty-Two

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As the dwarves journeyed swiftly through the forest, most of the warriors could not extinguish the shock they had first experienced upon the arrival of Fili's newly acquired companions, both of whom most of the soldiers recognized. Arien and Thoros had done a great deal of explaining as they trudged solemnly through the trees, as the others questioned their appearance and their motive for joining them.

The army was quickly nearing Erebor, though worry and dread still filled the hearts of the soldiers. Would they reach their home in time? What fate would befall it if they failed to do so?

Arien's mind was also preoccupied with these unbearable thoughts, and Thoros was quick to catch on to her distress.

"Hey, Arien!" The dwarf dodged and skirted round the dazed soldiers, their feet plodding on rhythmically, until Arien found him by her side. She had slipped further and further into the ranks of dwarves, and had soon lost sight of the best friend she had travelled all this way to find. "You okay?"

Arien merely nodded, keep her dry, cracked lips tightly shut. She was desperate for a drink of water to quench her unbearable thirst; even a small trickle would have satisfied her. Thoros obviously seemed to know her better than she thought, for he suddenly disappeared amongst the marching soldiers, only to reappear moments later with a leaking flask.

She nodded gratefully after he offered it to her, and took a considerable gulp of the icy liquid. She sighed, refreshed, as it washed down her throat, relieving her from it's constant dryness.

"Thank you, Thoros."

The dwarf merely shrugged, waving the gratitude away. "It's okay."

Thoros sighed heavily, and Arien mirrored his actions. They were all distraught, but what else could they do but plod on and hope for the best?

"I hope KIli is alright," Thoros said after a while, breaking the solemn silence between the two friends. Arien nodded, casting a silent prayer for the Dwarven Prince's health. For all they knew, he could be in the middle of a fierce battle right that moment, putting his life in danger with every clumsy movement.

Arien pushed the thoughts away as they continued their prolonged march.


The morning soon slipped into evening, and then evening into night; the entire journey was mostly uneventful. The trees began to space out more, allowing the soldiers more room to walk, and their mood lightened slightly. They were drawing near to their home, and there were no signs of a waging battle or a burning city. The sky was clear and peaceful, impervious to the war threatening to break out over the lands of Middle-Earth.

A mindless chatter began to fill the air, but Arien was still trudged on in silence, and with a heavy heart, pulling her ever deeper into the pit of despair. She hadn't had much chance to talk to her friend, and mainly conversed quietly with Thoros for the most part, sometimes filling in a word of two with other lonely soldiers.

The evening dragged into night again, and they set up camp in a large clearing, just as the pale sun began to slip out of sight, tinging the sky a light purple. A shadow suddenly fell over the forest, plunging their world into a profound darkness. But the gloom was soon broken as several small fires began to spring up with a furious hiss, and the clearing was filled with dancing lights, spitting out flaring sparks into the night. A light trail of smoke rose into the sky, though it quickly disperesed into subtle whisps as it reached the wall of quivering foliage.

Arien was huddled around of the camps, her knees drawn up to her chest as she rested her head in her lap. He stomach grumbled for food, yet she still declined the meal she had been offered. Her legs were like lead from the amount of walking they had been doing over the uneven, grass-clad ground, and fatigue weighed heavily on her shoulders.

After a while of tuning into the tedious conversations erupting from the small congregation of soldiers, she found her eyelids drooping heavily and began falling into the hands of slumber, until she immediately snapped out of her dreamy trance as a rumbling bout of laughter cut through the air. She sighed irritably and stood up, brushing the dirt from her legs.

Mumbling quietly to Thoros that she was retiring to her bed, she led herself to the thin heap of blankets she had piled up in the far corner of the camp. She noticed Fili glance her way, but she was too tired to take interest in the matter.

Sleepily, Arien managed to flop down onto her bedroll and pull the light sheets over her body, fighting back the keen breeze that threatened to bite through her thin clothing, and eventually drowned out the murmurs and laughter of the other soldiers, drifting steadily into the clutches of sleep.


Arien awoke with a jolt as a cry of stark terror cut through the silence of the camp. The other soldiers were immediately roused from their slumbers and muttered wearily as they forced themself away from the dredges of sleep. Arien bolted from her bed, dragging away the sheets that still clung to her trembling body.

All around, soldiers glanced around warily, clutching their weapons, though their movements were clumsy and their eyes were still clouded with weariness and confusion.

The human noticed Fili some way ahead, on the other side of the clearing, belting out orders to the panicked warriors.

But she turned her gaze away from the busy leader until spotted Thoros gathering up his blankets, and she began picking her way between the clumps of bedrolls, towards her friend. "What's going on?" She questioned as soon as she reached him, hoping he'd have some insight to the matter at hand.

He merely shrugged, though his face was clearly lined with panic. "I don't know. Fili's sending out soldiers to investigate, though the scouts sent out yesterday morning have not yet returned."

Arien nodded thoughtfully. "I hope it's not more orcs." Although a creeping feeling in the pit of her stomach told her to expect the worst.

There was nothing they could do until the soldiers returned, so the dwarves and Arien began to pack up their things and helped themselves to a petite breakfast. 


A/N: Sorry I didn't update again, like I said I would. I've been revising all week; I have my first REAL Exam on Thursday and I'm worried like hell! ._.

Anyway. Thanks for reading! Like I said, it really means a lot when you enjoy my work. Well. I hope you do ;)

I'll try and update soon! Meaning, like, next weekend! Or, maybe tonight, if I get chance :D

Please VOTE!

~ _imagine_fantasy_

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