The journey... Again

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Well on our way, we no longer needed to stop anymore. Orpheus Tree looked much more grander up close. It's marvelous twists of symmetrical leaf patterns carved it's way around the tree. Even though it seemed very far, it was rather close.

Awing in it's awesome beauty we finally... well almost, reached the Orpheus Tree. Stair wells could be seen linked to each other reaching different levels of the tree. It was magnificent. Before we reached the first steps that reached the middle section I paused.

"Now... I want to let you know that Realm of the Fae isn't the realm of any Fae, it's just called that because it was home to the Fae. This place is a link to other worlds, like I said... an in between spirit passage way for the dead and faint."

They all stared at me. Marcelene nodded her head nonchalantly at my persistent ranting. Wyatt was too fixated on the dancing Fae around the tree. Demetrius held my eyes for a moment.

"Does that mean... angels are in this realm?" he asked

"Angels aren't from heaven, but from another realm far more utopian than ours... they're different beings entirely. But are bound to heaven for the simple act of doing good and being righteous. Always fighting evil."

My eyes swiped the threesome again. Demetrius wasn't even looking at me, I rushed up and grabbed his hand. In a polite but firm matter I shouted,

"Beat you to the entrance!"

Marcelene sped away as I grabbed Demetrius and flew away and Wyatt gathered Army and zoomed over the stairs.

An electric feeling filled me. The wonderful rush of fun was now beginning. I kept a close eye on Wyatt who seed to be advancing past me every so often. Luckily, wings are faster.

Large, wooden doors with intricate angelic and foreign patterns climbed the tree. High golden bolts with silver glints hovered above us. I glanced at the angels who watched us with mild suspicion. They were beautiful men, large with fulfilling hopes of undeniable satisfaction. I turned my head back to the doors.

Demetrius took his hand in mines.

"What do you think will happen?" he whispered

"Hopefully The Great Balancer will allow your stay in the spirit world."

"Oh, cool." He wavered me a nervous smile. I squeezed his hand reassuring him.

Marcelene leaned over and whispered in my ear...


The large doors opened slowly. I looked onto a bright light shimmering from the doors. With Demetrius's hand in mine I felt obliged to show no fear of any sort.

An omnipresent voice boomed,


The Angels around us unfurled their wings and put their swords and staffs at a stand still. Wyatt coughed.

"Lady's first."

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