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The paper glowed as I entered a darker part of Orpheus Tree. Keeping my eyes focused on the map I followed each direction of the animated foot prints that twisted and turned. The occasional sound of Army sniffing or his feet padding the ground was heard.

I cleared my throat and kept walking on. My mind blazed with the idea of kissing Demetrius when I saw him. I smiled in the distinct dark. My hair waved back and forth on my back and I picked up my pace. Occasionally looking back to check on Army I kept walking ahead determined.

I stopped abruptly. The hallway opened up into a windowless hall. Sunshine poured into the hall and shadows of the arch way where windows were supposed to be shone. It was a long hall. At the end of it was a peach door.

Army came up beside me and started to wiggle his tail in excitement. I checked the map. The foot prints were now clearer and larger than before. He was just beyond the peach door. I sat the map down and continued to walk.

Sunshine poured all over my body and Army radiated silver. He started to happily bark. My heart pounded at each step and I gladly appreciated the warmth of the sun.

Leaves blotted through the arch ways and peaches and apples hung from them. The pattern of the bricked floor made me feel at home as I looked at the happy kid like art decorating it.

The door was now only three breaths away. Army ran up to it and howled and scrapped the door.

I hushed Army up as the door opened back. A puzzled look escaped my face along with a smile.

"I came to see you! Are you ok?"

Demetrius came out and smiled at me. His shirt was rumpled and he looked dreary. I noticed the bags underneath his eyes.

"Yeah... I'm sleepy, I had a long night."

I hugged myself to retrain from jumping on him and kissing him.

"Oh, well... I was just wanting to check on you."

"I know. Come in, I missed you."

Army brushed past me and walked in first. Demetrius held the door again and I grabbed his hand and brought him inside with me. The room looked like a hospital room. A few plants lined the table and window and a tv was hanging on the wall. Demetrius sat down on the bed. A breakfast platter was on a table with unfinished pancakes and half a glass of orange juice.

I sat down on the bed and smiled at him. Army plopped up in a chair and prepared to go to sleep.

"Are you tired?"

"Well, yeah I've been up all day and with Marcy."

"Lay down then Thorne."

My eyes fumbled. I know our last meeting with Isaac would be in about three hours. I guess I could get a nap in.

I laid next to Demetrius and we stared at each other underneath he embrace of the comforter. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer. My head was buried in his shirt and I could smell a fresh cinnamon smell. I looked up at him and my lips parted as he kissed me. His tongue slid into my mouth softly and I breathed him in. I felt suddenly like all the stars were aligned. My wings flexed in the intimate moment as he pulled me on top of him.

Deepening the kiss he put his hands through my dress and pulled it off of me. I was in nothing but panties and a bra on top of Demetrius. A deep part my anatomy called to him. I opened my eyes again to look him in the eyes. His eyes were closed and he breathed deeply.

"Maybe when it's just us and not a dog..." We eyed Army as he stared at us in curiosity. I turned my head and laid it on his chest. Thus, sending me to sleep.

Keeping of ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now