your demons

32 4 4

aren't they still there?
no, i don't think

don't you remember them?

how were they?

when will they return?
hopefully never

is that a lie?
most probably

when do they visit?
when i let them

why did they leave?
cause i made them go

how can i do the same?
find your release

how do i do that?
try many different stress relievers

what are some?
bullet journaling, drawing doodles, listening to music, sleeping, hanging out with friends

what if they don't work?
they will, trust me

they don't! they don't!
they will

but they don't!
don't hurt yourself

it may be the only way tha—

please let me

i'm not okay
well, that's okay

can you help me?

cause only you can help yourself

you'll still try... to help, right?
yes, but only you can truly fix yourself

stay by me?
of course

don't leave my side?
don't leave mine

will you always be there?

are you lying?
i hope not, stay safe?

alright, lara
my pleasure, whoever needs this.

// please leave a vote and/or comment your thoughts, i'll check out ur acc ♡

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