chapter four: 3 am.

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*stephanie's pov*

last night was really awkward- my first night here and i was already crushing hard on one of my roommates. 

i sat next to colby through the whole movie and he did scoot over a little bit closer, but he didn't really talk to me. he was just fiddling with his fingers the whole time. i wanted to ask what was bothering him, but i barely know him and i didn't know how to speak to him anyway.

i went to my bedroom and stayed up on my phone watching netflix after the movie, because i didn't own a tv, so i had no choice but to watch supernatural on an aggravatingly small screen. i was in the middle of watching dean hit on some diner girl until i heard a soft knock on my door. i figured it was devyn. i ran my hands through my hair and managed to be quiet as i walked to the door.

when i opened it up, i saw colby standing in the doorframe shirtless in his sweatpants, with messy bedhead, speaking in a low, gravely, tired voice.
fuck, he's hot, i mumbled inside my head.

"hey stephanie, i-um, i couldn't sleep and i wanted to see if you were awake, but i won't bother you if you don't want to hang out-"

"oh no, colby, it's fine, of course i'll hang out with you. come on in, i guess," i said opening the door wider to let him into my room of boxes.

"cool room," he said sarcastically.

"thanks, glad you like it," i giggled, "oh, you can sit down on the bed if you want." i gestured to the bed.

he walked over and sat down by my pillows and waved me over. i sat in front of him, stomach doing flips.

"so, why couldn't you sleep?" i asked him, truly curious.

"oh, i just was thinking about stuff and it kept me up." colby smiled at me.

"what stuff?"

"important stuff."

"what kind of important stuff?"

"what were you watching on netflix?" he changed my subject.

i smirked at him. "i was watching supernatural," i explained.

"oh my god, really?" he said, all of a sudden excited.

"yeah, why? do you like that show too?" i replied.

"that's my favorite show! i've watched all 12 seasons," he said happily.

"oh man, i'm only in season 10. no spoilers, colby!" i joked.

"who's your favorite character?"


"i'm a dean girl, he's soooo sexy," he faked a girl voice and made me giggle a little too hard.
oh god, he probably thinks my laugh is gross, i told myself.

"you have a cute laugh." he looked me in the eyes.

i looked down at my hands, now fiddling with my sweatshirt sleeves.

"i don't like it that much, to be honest."

"why wouldn't you? it's adorable." he chuckled.

i looked up at him and blushed, which made him blush.

he broke the silence and blushing with a single sentence.

"wanna play ten questions?"

"i thought it was twenty questions?" i half-smiled and titled my head to the side.

"i think ten is enough," he smiled back.

"alright. you first." i laid down on my back, and he copied me.

"favorite color?" he asked.

"black and periwinkle. yours?"

"black and red. and all the other colors. i'm flexible." he looked over at me.

"interesting. okay, um...favorite food?"

"oh god, you can't just make me pick!" he laughed.

"alright, well i like mac and cheese, and i love oreos."

"nice. i like both of those things. next question: who's your celebrity crush?" he said.

"oh man, chris evans is hot. and i think i'm starting like someone else pretty fast, but i'm not sure if they're considered too famous."

"who is this 'not so famous' person?"

"a youtuber. but that's all i'm saying. some things need to be kept a secret," i smiled sneakily in his direction.

"who's your celebrity crush?"

"well, i don't really have one. i think i also have been developing a crush on someone who's on the normal side, but i won't be telling that part." he winked at me and flashed that signature smile, causing my heart to explode internally.

we continued on asking stupid questions until 3 am, but i did wonder who he was crushing on. it couldn't be me, i'm out of his league.

"hey, steph?" he questioned.


"do you want to watch tv downstairs?"

"yeah, that sounds good."

colby got up and crept across my room, and i followed behind him.

"here, grab my hand, we'll walk down together. it's pretty dark out there." he said while he opened the door.

oh my god, he wants me to hold his hand, holy shit, don't freak out, stay cool, just do it, i reminded myself.

i grabbed his hand and he blushed a bit. his soft hand felt like it fit in mine, but i knew it wouldn't ever happen. why would a boy like him like a girl like me?

we walked downstairs and went to the living room, and i sat next to him on the couch. he grabbed a blanket and put it over the two of us.

"what episode are you on in supernatural?" he looked down and asked me.

"episode 13," i replied.

he turned on my episode, and halfway through i started to fall asleep.

as everything started to go black around me, i felt a pair of arms wrap around my body and lift me from the couch. i got another eruption of butterflies, knowing it was colby, but i let him do it because i was half asleep and i didn't care about anything. i felt my bed envelop me seconds later and i drifted away, smiling in my sleep.


*colby's pov*

she started to fall asleep while we were watching tv so i decided to bring her upstairs. if any of the others found the two of us asleep on the couch, as much as i wanted to stay with her, it was her first night here and i wanted to spare her of the embarrassment for at least a few days until she was settled in.

i carried her into her bedroom and laid her down in her bed and pulled the covers up onto her. i looked at her for another second, then i went back to my room.

god, how can i be so fast to fall? it's been less than 24 hours and i'm already crushing on her.

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