chapter thirty one: karma.

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*colby's pov*

i have to say something to corinna.
i have to confront her.
what she did was wrong and she needs to understand that...

but how?

my thoughts were interrupted by the clicking of the lock on the front door.

"WHERE'S MY BOYFRIEND?!" i heard stephanie's voice rumble through the hallway.

"WHERE ELSE WOULD I BE?" i screamed back from my usual spot in the gaming room, the huge bean bag chair.

"hello, boyfriend." she smiled adorably as she came around the corner.

"why do you call me boyfriend every time you see me?" i chuckled. she did it, like, every fricking day.

"because i like reminding myself i have a boyfriend,"

"i'm so honored," i joked, and i pulled her down onto the chair and attacked her face with kisses.
god, that sounded weird.
why are all my attempts at being cute always cringey?

"st-sto-stop, col-olbyyyy!" she stuttered and giggled at the same time, trying to push me off, tickling my sides as revenge.

"okay, okay," i laughed, releasing her.

"so, what have you been doing all day?"

"not much, just waiting  around to see where the hell you went. you didn't answer my texts, i thought you died," i joked, making myself sound sad. i wiped away a fake tear for emphasis.

"oh, i'm so sorry, i didn't even see you texted me, i'm so sorry, i feel so terrible, oh god, i'm the worst girlfriend," steph's face morphed form happy to sad as she worked herself up, searching through her phone to see my fake text messages.
did she actually believe my terrible acting?

"steph, calm down, i'm joking." i grabbed her shaking hands and held them in place.

she's being very emotional today, why is she so on edge?

"oh, um, sorry," she looked down and her hands, sounding guilty.

"hey, are you okay? you're acting a little funny," i lifted her chin with my finger, trying to get her nervous eyes to meet mine.

"i'm- i'm fine." she shook her head quickly, avoiding me.

"i know you're lying. what's going on?"

she let out a deep breath, her hands shaking again.


"colby, i'm so sorry that i yelled at you at that party."

is that really what this is about?

"i told you i forgave you. i messed up, i should be apologizing,"

"no, colby, i was wrong. i was mean. i didn't let you explain, i told you that i thought you didn't love me anymore, i almost ruined everything," she started to tear up.
my heart ached when i saw her like this- she doesn't have to hold all this pressure over her head.

"stephanie, listen to me. you didn't do anything wrong. i forgive you for all you said, and i could never stop loving you. you are the best thing to ever happen to me, and i'm never going to let myself or you get dragged into anything like that again, because you mean too much for me to lose you." i blurted out everything that was running through my brain. i had to be honest, right?

i wiped the few tears that trickled down her cheeks away with my thumb, and i kissed her softly.
the kind of kiss you give to someone to ease their nerves.
i always loved those.

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