chapter sixteen: bowling alley- part one.

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(an: hey guys! i'm just letting you know, i will upload chapters about some of the overnight vlogs and trips and stuff, i'll try to remember to put them in order, but i won't be doing every vlog. but thank you for reading and getting this story past 200 reads holy crap!! i really appreciate all the comments and votes you guys give me. thank you! oh and p.s.- i don't remember if they drove or flew to utah, but i'm choosing for them to drive because i feel like it lmao i'm a savage and i'll also never say that word again god that was cringey. okay, here it is!)

*colby's pov*

we've been on the road for about four and a half hours now, marking about half of our drive being over with. elton was driving while sam sat in the front seat, corey in the middle row and me and stephanie in the back. she had on a pair of black sweatpants and a black fall out boy t-shirt, her shoulder length curls laying on the left side of her head. she had her earbuds in and was listening to music, which gave me a free pass to look at her without her noticing and making thing awkward.
she's just nice to look at, alright? stop judging me.

i looked out the window to see the world flying by me, and i drifted off into a deep sleep, my head laid against the glass.


"colby, wake up," i felt a quick kiss on the side of my cheek. my eyes fluttered open to see stephanie standing in front of the open car door, her suitcase in hand and elton, corey sam with their things behind her.

i unbuckled and hopped out of the car to find myself in front of the hotel we booked. i grabbed my small suitcase out of the truck and closed it, walking back to them and entering the building.
elton checked in at the front desk, obtained the key, and led us to the elevator that brought us up to our floor. we walked down the hallway for a minute, finally coming across our room, and elton put the key in the lock and swung the door open. there were two queen sized beds, a recliner chair, a small bathroom with a shower, and a tv on top of a large dresser.

"are uncle elton and sam gonna share a bed?" i wiggled my eyebrows devilishly.

"hell no, i'm sleeping on the recliner," sam laughed.

i walked over to the bed that i guess me and steph were sharing and put my suitcase down.

i plopped down on the right side and claimed that as where i would be sleeping, earning a sigh and a smile from the pretty girl next to me.

"so, you guys ready to stay overnight in a bowling alley tonight?" elton said casually.

"wait, what?" sam and corey both said simultaneously and turned around towards elton.

"since when?" i looked at him wide-eyed.

"so that's our adventure for tonight," steph grinned, "yeah, i'm ready."

me and sam moved our stunned expression towards stephanie.

"what? it sounds like fun, as long as we don't get caught." she shrugged.

"that's what i'm talking about!" elton chuckled and they nodded at each other, high-fiving.

"alright, wait one second. where, when, and how?" sam said, turning the conversation back to staying overnight in a fricking bowling alley.

"i found a bowling alley a few streets down, we'd be going about a half an hour before closing time, which is around 10:30ish, and how...well, i guess we'll figure that out when we get there." elton answered.

"god, why do you drag us into crap like this?" i said, falling back down into the bed.


*stephanie's pov*

elton came back with the pizza and sat down next to the four of us at the table, all of us digging into our food.

"what are we thinking for hiding, the bathroom?" elton asked.

"i say the bathroom is the only good place, like until we can actually get back there, because there's too many people right now." sam responded, taking another bite of his food.

"this place is so small, people are already looking at us," colby added.

"are we all gonna hide in the bathroom?" corey asked.

"we could all hide in one stall and stand on the toilet," elton replied.

"i don't know if we should all hide in the bathroom, though, because what if they walk in and see four guys and a girl standing on a toilet?" he said.

"elton, maybe you can stand in the stall and hide out while we just chill outside, and we can text you once everyone has left the building and you let us in," i suggested.

"good idea. they're about to close, so you guys go out and i'll sneak into the bathroom." he said quietly. we nodded and got up to throw the trash away, and we walked out the doors.

"see you in a second, i gotta go to the bathroom real quick." elton acted in front of the last few people in the alley, sneaking in and us walking out to the car. we kept an eye out for about five minutes until we saw the lights go out and the last worker come and lock the doors. sam texted elton to come get us, but he couldn't because the doors were locked.

we saw elton talking inside the building, but we couldn't hear him too well. i looked around the side to see if there were any other doors, until i spotted a window.

"guys," i whisper-yelled.

"what?" they both replied.

"i found a window. elton can get us in through there,"

"smart girl." colby kissed my forehead while i blushed, and we started pointing to the windows, trying to tell elton to let us in.
he finally got the message and ran to the back room and slid it open, and we climbed in one by one.

"oh my god," elton smiled.

"let's get in, let's get in!" sam said excitedly.

"that was too easy," corey laughed.

we jumped through the window and entered the bowling alley that we now had all to ourselves for the night.

to be continued...

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