chapter thirty: true love.

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*stephanie's pov*

i woke up to the smell i could only know to be pancakes. i opened my eyes and looked around to see myself in a bed that was probably brennen's, because there was a star wars blanket draped over the window on the opposite side of the room. i stretched and stepped out of bed, my jeans and shirt still on from last night.
all the events filtered back into my mind, but i pushed them away.
breakfast first.

i walked out the door and into the kitchen to see a girl with brown hair and tan skin flipping pancakes.
was that- oh, that was brennen's sister.

"hey! come sit down, brennen will be back soon," she smiled warmly.

"you're brennen's sister, right?" i asked, my voice raspy.

"yeah, i'm jessica. you can call me jess." she walked over and handed me a plate of pancakes, then sat down across from me on the couch.

"where'd brennen go?" i said, shoving my mouth with the pancakes she made- which were so fucking good, by the way.

"he went out to ralph's to grab a few things, he should be back any second now," as she replied, the door clicked and we heard it open, "that's him."

brennen came through the kitchen door and smiled comfortingly.

"hey steph, hi jess!" he said softly, coming to sit next to me with his ralph's bag.

"what'd you buy?" i asked, taking another bite of my breakfast. all that was on my mind was colby right now, but i kept trying to block it out. i had to stop.

"i got you some stuff," he answered, "chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream because that's your favorite, a stuffed giraffe because you love them too, and i threw in some brennen merch because you didn't get yours yet." he smiled, pulling out all the stuff he brought me.

"thank you so much brennen, but why'd you buy me all this and give me your merch and stuff? you didn't have to waste money on me," i hugged him tightly.

"well, i know you're sad about, um... you know who, and this is all the stuff sam told me you liked. i wanted to try and make you feel a little better."

"you're so cheesy. haha, thank you," i chuckled, pulling on his original maroon brennen sweatshirt.

"well on that note, i'm gonna get going, mom needs me back home. i'll see you later brennen, bye steph!" jess got up and waved goodbye, then left through the front door.

"why was she here?" i turned back to him.

"because i didn't want you to be alone while i was gone," brennen smiled again.
god, why is he being so nice?

"okay, brennen. cut the crap. why are you treating me so nicely? did you do something wrong?"

his face dropped, and then his voice became more sad and quiet.

"i just didn't want you to be so hurt about what happened with colby last night."

why would he even care? i'm not worth all that trouble.

"well, i appreciate that, but you don't have to worry. i'm hurting, sure, but you don't have to go through the trouble to help me,"

"of course i do, steph, are you fricking nuts? you're one of my closest friends, i love you, all i want to do is help," he said loudly, "i'm sorry. i just wish you wouldn't think that you aren't worth caring about."

my heart swelled up a bit when he said that. the only other person who ever said that was colby.

"i'm sorry, i'm being a jerk. i'm just angry." i hugged him one more time before i knew we'd have to talk about what happened.

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