Chapter 2

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   Hamilton came in for work that week wearing a black over coat instead of his usual lime green one. It was... unexpected to say the least.

   "Hey, Hamilton. Glad to see you're back to normal, somewhat" Jefferson said, looking at the smaller, frail man with surprise as he wondered how he was still alive. Still... here.

   "Good evening, Jefferson" Hamilton greeted, his voice sounding almost refined, unlike how he usually would speak. Many other things had changed about the man, too. His hair was almost gray, probably from stress. He wore glasses, which he usually only wore while writing or reading. His hand shook and twitched occasionally as he balanced his weight on a cane. He looked like he had not eaten or slept in months, Jefferson could tell because he was frail and had bags under his eyes.

   Burr really did some damage on the poor kid, didn't he?

   "So, how have you been", Jefferson asked, trying to strike up a conversation to see if he was still as talkative as usual, or if this was getting out of hand.

   "To be completely honest, horrible" Hamilton replied, still in that refined tone. That was all he said as a reply. No witty comeback, no long explanation of the events prior. That was all he said. Jefferson was surprised. Hamilton had never been this quiet before, and while it was peaceful, he knew there was something wrong.


   As Hamilton walked out of that day's cabinet meeting, he noticed Madison and Jefferson giving him odd looks, like he had done something wrong. Maybe he did, but he wouldn't know until he asked.

   "Jefferson, Hamilton said he wanted to talk to you... in private'' Madison came through the door, a bit nervous. "He sounded pretty serious about it. Should I let him in"

   Jefferson acknowledged the nervous Madison and told him to bring Hamilton in, then take a rest. Madison opened the door wider as he let the man in, then left, shutting the door behind him.

   "So, what did you need to talk to me about?" Jefferson asked, confused to see him still unlike his normal self.

   There's more of those strange looks he's been giving me.

   "I've been noticing you guys have been looking at me like I have done something wrong, and it's been making me confused. Is there something you haven't been telling me, Jefferson?"

   "Well, ya see, I'm worried about you. You've been actin' really strange ever since last week. Now, don't get me wrong, I could care less about you, but I don't need my Treasury Secretary actin' all weird while you're doing your job. So, I just need to know, is there something you ain't tellin' me, Hamilton?"

   Hamilton was shocked by this. He never recalled acting any different than usual. Maybe it was just the stress of having to work partially for Burr. Just thinking about Burr gave him a headache. He was pretty stressed by many things, but he was the main reason for most of it.

   "I've just been a little stressed, is all. I'm fine, trust me."

   "Okay, but if you start havin' panic attacks on the bathroom floor, you're gonna go straight home, understand?"

   "Alright, President Jefferson"

   Jefferson couldn't tell if he was mocking his title or being respectful.


   Jefferson slumped back in his chair. He was almost guilty for being so strict with Hamilton, feeling like he had just added extra weight on the poor man's shoulders than he needed. Madison came in and saw this and asked what had happened.

   "I don't know, Madison. One day I hate the guy's guts and the guy's annoying as fuck, the next I'm worryin' over him like he's my kid. I was just a little strict to him and now I feel guilty about it and now I'm just really-"

   "Stressing out?" Madison finished.

   "Yeah, how'd ya know?"

   "I do it a lot, and I know the signs. Plus, it blatantly obvious."

   Jefferson had to admit, though he wasn't a therapist, Madison would be good at the job. He knew how to help people deal with things like stress, and that talent was needed most right now.

   Madison tried his best to calm Jefferson.

   "Trust me, Jefferson, you would be a train wreck if I wasn't around.''

   "I know, I know.''

   After calming him down, Madison stepped out of Jefferson's office. He had someone to check on.

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