Chapter 4

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   Jefferson felt sweat and tears fall down his face slowly. He didn't wipe them away. He didn't even really care. He was too stressed over Hamilton and didn't even feel the pain that he should have as he dug his nails into his palms. Burr snapped him back to reality when he noticed small bits of blood trickling down them.

   Please don't be in a com- Wait? What am I thinkin'. I hate him. But he needs hel- NO! Stop thinkin' about that annoyin', stupid, frail, poo- STOP!

   He kept arguing with himself in his mind. He couldn't decide if he hated the poor man or was worried about him. He finally felt the pain of the injury he inflicted on himself by his fingernails and just wiped his hands on the shirt he wore on the inside of his magenta jacket, hoping no one would notice the red stain on his satin shirt.

   The door to the room Hamilton was in opened as the doctor came out. Jefferson jumped up for seemingly no reason as he tugged at the doctor's coat, small bits of his blood smearing onto it.

   So much for hidin' my injuries.

   "Is he ok? Is he in a coma? Is he...he-" Jefferson soon realized what he was doing and let go of the doctor, straightening his posture and putting his hands behind his back to hide his blood-stained hands. Nervous sweat began to drip down his face as he hoped the doctor would overlook what he had done.

   Luckily he did as he began to speak.

   "Hamilton is fine, Mr. Jefferson. Well, at least he is physically."

   "Well, what'd ya mean by that?! I can't be havin' my Treasury Secretary goin' all cuckoo crazy on the job if that's whatcha mean." Jefferson tried to pull that off as business related so Burr and the doctor wouldn't think he meant it sentimentally. Unfortunately, Burr wasn't buying it.

   "Hamilton is not completely insane, don't worry. He's just a little unstable around mentioning of-" the doctor pointed directly to Burr, as if saying his name would cause an earthquake. "I tried to ask him about what happened and when I mentioned him he went completely ballistic."

   Jefferson was surprised at this. Sure, Hamilton could lose his cool sometimes, but never has he gotten to the point where he nearly attacked someone.

   He really isn't takin' that whole incident well, is he?

   "Is he calm enough that I can go in and see him?" Jefferson asked, now generally worried about his mental state as well as his physical state, but still tried not to show it.

   The doctor simply nodded as he gestured for him to come into the room. Burr, knowing better than to anger Hamilton even more, stayed out of the room.


   Hamilton sat in the small hospital room bored out of his mind and trying to keep calm as to not wreck the place.

   Why did he have to mention him?

   He stopped pondering on the subject when he heard the door open and instantly came to conclusions.

   "BURR, GO DI-" Jefferson came through the door with a shocked look on his face.

   "Oh... h-hey Jefferson. Didn't see you there. You ready to go back to work now, because I am." he had a nervous tone in his still otherwise refined voice. Jefferson still wasn't used to that.

   "Oh no, Hamilton. I know you remember what I said that one time. You have a panic attack and you go straight home. Ya hear me?"

   "But I didn't have it on the bathroom floor, I had it in the middle of the hallway." Hamilton's voice was still refined, but it sounded a lot more like the annoying brat Jefferson was used to and that calmed him a little. Then he realized what he had just done.

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