Chapter 6

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   Note: This happens at the White House during the end of chapter 4 and the beginning of chapter 5.  

   Jefferson went into the bathroom as soon as he got back to the White House. He had to clear his hands of the now dry blood on his hands before anyone noticed. Once he was done, he went into his office, surprised to see Madison leaning against the wall.

   "James? What are ya doin' in here?"

   "Thomas, I think you know perfectly well why I'm in here." Jefferson started to speak, but Madison kept on talking, "Burr told me what happened earlier. Something about you worrying a little too much over something you've helped me with many times before and know perfectly well that it isn't life threatening." Jefferson was slightly embarrassed.

   "I have no idea what your talkin' about!" he shot back, a small bit of anger in his voice when he did.

   "Thomas, you were worrying over him like he was your son. And before you say otherwise, Burr also said that you carried him bridal style into the hospital and refused to let him out of your arms. Try to explain how you don't care about Hamilton after that."

   Jefferson almost felt betrayed. He had specifically told Burr to tell no one about this, but he just went and did it anyway. He would talk to him about this later, but he didn't feel now was a good time. He tried to say something back, but couldn't think of anything. If Madison was making him speechless, then this was serious, and about him. He knew him well enough to know that much.

   "Look, Thomas, I worry about him too sometimes, I'm pretty sure everyone does every once and awhile, but, in your case, this has been getting out of hand. I know you haven't been getting enough sleep because you think about him at night, I can hear you mumbling to yourself. The walls are not soundproof."

   "Yeah, well, what else do you have as 'proof' that I 'overreact' when it comes to Hamilton." Nervous sweat rolled down his face. He wiped it away before crossing his arms. Madison pulled a hand mirror out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket, clearly prepared to give him this speech. He shoved it into his face, as if telling him how he looked wasn't enough to get a point across.

   "Seriously, look at yourself. Sorry to say, but you look.... I'll say different and let you figure out what I mean."

   Jefferson did what Madison asked, shocked to see his own reflection after not doing so for a while. His hair was messy and was slightly going grey, but was still more colorful than Hamilton's by a lot. He had bags under his eyes that he would never expect himself to have, his entire complexion almost looking sickly. He almost looked like a completely different person.

   "Do you see what I mean?" Madison asked, seeming to notice the surprised look on Jefferson's face. All Jefferson could do to respond was nod.

   "Good. Now, I want you to get some rest tonight. In fact, why don't you take a break right now? Burr can take care of your work for you, him being Vice President and all, and you can actually rest for the first time since about three months ago."

   "B-But, my wor-"

   "Like I said, Burr will take care of it. You, my dear Thomas, need to sleep before you literally become Hamilton." he interrupted as he practically pushed him out of his office and forced him into bed. He closed the curtains to block out the sun to trick Jefferson's eyes into thinking it was night.

   "Goodnight, Thomas." he said as he was almost out the door.

   "But I still know it's dayt-"

   "Good night, Thomas." he repeated with a more annoyed tone as he closed the door forcefully, but not hard enough for it to make too much of a disturbance.

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