Chapter 5

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   Philip ran down the stairs to greet his father. He saw that his dad was actually smiling, a glimmer in his eyes that rarely ever had ever since the incident. That meant he was truly happy to see him. Angelica was also there, leaning against the wall with a smug look on her face. Philip kept smiling, but he really wanted to punch her in the face right now, but he restrained the urge to do so. He knew she was stronger than she looked and a heel to the crotch was not what he needed right now.

   He quickly went towards his father and hugged him tightly, but not too tightly. Even Angelica knew not to do so as it would badly affect his bullet wound. His dad hugged him with one hand, keeping the other on a slightly bloody cane that Philip could tell wasn't his so he could actually stand up. The amount of affection in that hug was felt greatly, though.

   "Hey, Dad. Glad to see you home early from work. Why did Mr. Jefferson send you home so early, though? Did something happen?"

   Eliza and Hamilton exchanged looks that said what should we tell him. Hamilton thought of something and completely went through with it.

   "Your mother will explain later what happened, right Eliza"

   Eliza gave him a look of really but nodded her head in agreement. She left him to talk to his kids. He never really had time to do so, considering how long he stayed at work.

   "Hey Dad, Philip told me that he wanted to tell you something. Right, Philip?" Angelica said, looking at Philip with an evil grin.

   "Oh, what is it, son?" Hamilton was generally interested.

   Philip grabbed his sister by the arm, genuinely angered.

   "I'll tell you later, Dad. First, I need to talk to my sister. In private." he said as he dragged Angelica into the other room, closing the door behind him.


   Philip inhaled sharply putting his hands together and bringing them close to his face. He pointed his hands in her direction and let his hands fall to his sides afterward.

   "Are you trying to get me KILLED?!"

   Angelica looked at him with mock surprise.

   "But Father said to never tell him anything false. Is that not true, brother dearest?"

   "Yeah, but this is different. He will impale me with that cane if he finds out." he was clearly aggravated, letting Angelica know full-on. She went back to her usual smug look, but she knew well enough that he was starting to develop a bad temper, like their father. She honestly found it adorable when he was mad. The way his cheeks went red, bringing out the freckles that scattered all across that area. And he always stood on his toes to try and look intimidating, but never succeeded in that feat. He always looked like a small child compared to her.

   "Philip, you look cute when you're mad, you know that. It doesn't work when you try to be intimidating."

   "Stop with the false flattery. It doesn't suit you."

   "It doesn't suit you to be formal twenty-four/seven." she missed the days when he wasn't like that and always hoped it was a phase. However, she also had a feeling that it wasn't.

   "Can we just get back to what we were talking about earlier?"

   "No thank you. Is it ok if we leave know, I think Dad's starting to get suspicious."

   "Are you going to tell him?"



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