Chapter 7

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   Philip got off of the station and took in the sight of New York, his home before he moved to D.C. He really missed the place. It was were Theodosia was. She told him in her latest letter to not write her while he was in New York, probably because she would be there to visit him on the weekends. He thought that for a while, that is, until he knocked on the door of the Burr residence and no one answered. He knew Burr wouldn't be home at this hour and wouldn't be for a pretty long time, but he at least expected Theodosia to be there. Maybe she was out for a walk. He looked at the pocket watch he had on him and read the time as 1:45 AM.

   "Shit! The carriage ride is in 15 minutes! I'm gonna be late! Fuck!" he exclaimed, quickly grabbing his luggage off the ground and running as fast as he could to the carriage stop to King's College before he missed it. If you saw him, you would have to admit, for a little guy, Philip was pretty quick on his feet. He got there, but the carriage wasn't. The only reason why he knew he wasn't late was the fact that there were students gathered around the area. One of them seemed to notice him come in as he went over to him.

   The young man seemed almost feminine, with his dark, messy hair tied back in a ponytail like Philip's. Philip seemed to be oddly connected to the strange man, but couldn't figure out why. For all he knew, he never met him in his life. He shrugged it off as the man confronted him, his cheeks seeming to glow pink against his caramel skin.

   "Hello, sir. My name is Theodore. Pleased to meet you!" the man said, holding out his arm as he eagerly awaited a handshake. Philip took his hand and shook it in reply, trying not to be rude.

   "Philip Hamilton. Pleased to meet you, too." he said, noticing a figure behind Theodore that looked strikingly familiar.

   "Excuse me, Theodore. I need to talk to someone." Philip walked over to the other man he didn't have a good history with.

   "Eacker, what are you doing here? I thought you said you weren't a little schoolboy." Philip was doing what he usually did when he was angered, standing on his toes so he could be at eye level with George.

   George just smirked at the smaller man, pushing him back down flat on his feet and looking down at him, folding his hands behind his back afterward. "Oh, believe me, Philip, I'm not. I was just trying to be civil and accept their offer, but you wouldn't know what being civil is like, now would you? None of you Hamiltons ever do. You just challenge people to duels and then wimp out and throw away your shot. Unfortunately, your father was the only one who faced an actual consequence for it. Such a shame, too. He was honestly a pretty respectable man, even after the pamphlet incident. Now he's just a weak, sorry excuse for a man. Wonder how long it will be before you become like that."

   This was just about the point where Philip snapped.

   "How DARE you talk about my family like that! You're no better yourself, if we are being honest here! My father is in the worst possible state he could be in right now and you decide to make fun of him for it!? You should be ashamed!" He grabbed George by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to his eye level. "You're just a fucking hypocrite and you know it. But, then again, how could I be civilized enough to know that? Like you said, Hamiltons know nothing about being civil."

   Everyone stared at the two rivals as Philip threw George to the sidewalk. The carriage came in shortly after that as Philip grabbed his luggage and got on, sitting in the back. Theodore sat next to him.

   "Dude, that was awesome! The way you just threw that guy to the ground after defending your honor. I look up to people like you, the kind that do whatever it takes to keep themselves from being hated by the world instead of just sitting there and waiting for things to happen."

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