Chapter 3

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   Hamilton was finally getting used to things. He and Jefferson were finally getting along, or, at least, best they could. Madison still had his normal cold, but it always gradually got worse, when didn't it. Other than that, he felt like everything was finally going right. And, best of all, he hadn't seen him in almost four months.

   He was walking down the hall to his office that morning. He decided to wear his old lime green suit today because he felt it just set the mood for how well life was going so far. As he approached his office, he saw someone leaning against the wall near the door to it.

   Burr!? Why is he here of all places!? He isn't supposed to... to... to

   He saw Burr look up to him as his now somewhat somber expression and his insane, relentless stare from the incident flashed back and forth in his mind. His heartbeat quickened, he was choking on every breath. He heard ringing noises gradually getting louder and louder in his ears until it blocked out all sound and that was all he could hear. The flashing stopped. Everything started to go dim. He saw Burr running closer to him. He tried to back away but he just started falling. Everything started fading... fading... fading...

   The room went pitch black.

   My head hurts. What just happened. I can't move. I can't speak.

   He started to hear something.

   He tried to KILL you.

   He wants you DEAD!

   He is a MURDERER!


   Those voices echoed in his mind over and over. He felt like he was going crazy. Then, he started to trust them, started to feel as though they were right.

   He knew what he was going to do the next time he saw Burr.


   Jefferson was startled to see Hamilton unconscious in Burr's arms. Burr looked scared as he held him. Hamilton had beads of sweat rolling down his face and hair.

   "What the hell happened, Burr?" Jefferson looked at the limb man in fear. He never saw him like this and it was quite nerve-wracking.

   ''I don't know!'' Burr replied, ''I was waiting by his office to talk to him, like Madison told me to and-"

   "Wait, Mads put ya up to this?"

   "Yeah. He said to wait a couple months because he was still a little tense back then, but that he should've calmed down by now, then talk to him about the situation and, hopefully, come to a compromise."

   "Ok, Madison's always been like that. What happened to make Hamilton faint, though?"

   "Again, I don't know! I was waiting to talk to him, like I said earlier, then he just sort of stood there and he looked scared to death, then he nearly stopped breathing. He looked like he was nearly going to faint and I ran towards him to catch him, but he looked like he was gonna back away and as soon as he lifted one foot he lost balance and fell. Luckily I caught him, but I still don't know wha-"

   "Panic attack."


   "He had a fucking panic attack, Burr!"

   Burr was startled by the statement. He looked at Hamilton. His right arm was shaking more vigorously than normal. He was breathing, but just barely. He finally realized how light the man was and how easily he was carrying him.

   "We need to get him to a doctor, NOW!" Jefferson ordered, grabbing his cane, though it was more for decoration on his part, and ran out the door. Burr followed, being careful not to drop the smaller man he held in his arms.


   Burr looked at Jefferson as they sat in the carriage that was taking the three to the hospital. Jefferson had Hamilton lying in his lap as he looked at him like a father worried about his son. It was odd because they always used to bicker with each other and never get along until the one day when Hamilton elected him as president when it was a tie between him and Burr, but then he started worrying about him like Washington or Laurens would. Maybe he just pitied him because he was so fragile and stressed and he wanted to make him feel like he had someone that cared about him that wasn't his wife. He thought that was it, until he heard Jefferson mumbling to him.

   "You're ok, Hamilton. You're gonna wake up, go back to your family and your work, and everythin's gonna be ok. You are gonna wake up, right?" He sounded like he was on the verge of a crying fit, tears already rolling down his face.

   "Come on, man. Wake the fuck up. Please? Just open your eyes and fuckin' say somethin'!" Tears came out faster as he gripped the unconscious man tighter.


   He isn't waking up.

   Burr watched him have a fit, his eyes now puffy and red from crying so much. When they stopped at the hospital, Burr paid the driver respectfully and they headed inside. He tried to get Jefferson to hand Hamilton over because he looked like his arms were getting tired from holding him for so long on the ride here, but he turned away, wanting to hold him a bit longer, maybe. Burr didn't question it, he just let him do what he wanted. Jefferson was always a man of weird habits

   He noticed Jefferson was still crying and mumbling, but he couldn't make it out.

   Why did I have to do this to him?

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