The Explination & The Greeting

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Your POV
You stuck out your hand for the man standing there to shake. This must be Virgil.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N)!"

"I... uhm, hi?" He stuttered. "I'm Vergil, Thomas's anxiety..."
His voice fades away into a confused silence.
"I take it you know who you are and what you're here to do, so I can call the others so that you only have to explain once." He offered. Truth be told, I already knew about the others. You know everything about them that Thomas knows. That's why Anxiety knew nothing about the others when he was first created; Thomas had no clue that his personality was split into people.
He sped walked down the hallway, towards the rooms, hollering for the other personas. A few minutes later, he arrived back with three tired looking sides. They haven't noticed you yet. You cleared your throat to get their attention. Each expression was priceless. Patton looked over the moon to see a new face, Logan looked confused. Roman's jaw dropped and he started to try forming a coherent sentence.
"Wha? Uhm... hello-hi I'm a... I'm a.."

Nobody was saying anything, so I spoke up,
"I'm (Y/N)-"

But Logan interrupted,
"(Y/N), if you don't mind me inquiring, what emotion of Thomas' personality do you represent?"

"It's a long story. It's a pleasure to meet you all by the way." smiling and each of them in turn.

"We can continue this discussion in the lounge!" Prince offered, "and can I get you anything, (Y/N)?
"Some water would be great."
He "valiantly dashes" to get you a glass.


Now all five of you are sitting in the lounge area. Logan is sitting 'properly' on one side of a couch. Patton sits cross-legged on the floor, enticed with whatever you are going to tell them. Prince sits in a throne looking chair, pensive. And Anxiety sits cross-legged on a different couch, looking at the floor either thinking or not caring at all.

"First off," you begin, "Logan, to answer your question, I'm a throw together, a mish-mash, an a culmination, and a collage of all four of you.
"I'm semi-multifaceted. My purpose is to help you guys get along and to help with problem solving."
"Please explain." Logan prompted.
"I can be goofy, I can feel sad, I can see things objectively, I can come up with ideas. My job is to build the relationships between you four and hopefully put an end to the bickering."
Here was a Comfortable silence in the room, digesting what you just said.

"We don't bicker.." Anxiety countered.
You looked over to him.
"I know as much about you guys as Thomas does. Hence how I addressed Logic. Which is odd because you know zilch about me."
Anxiety made the effort to grunt in response.
Patton piped up next,
"We should introduce you to Thomas!"
We all nodded in agreement. You had to hold on to Patton's arm to sink down into the real world.

"Thomas! We have news!" Roman called from his place by the lamp.
Thomas came from his room upstairs, looking cheerful as ever. He spotted you and he looked slightly shocked, to say the least.
"Hi Thomas, I'm (Y/N)." You introduced, "I'm a new representation  of your personality."
"Oh gosh, uh hello, (Y/N). If you don't mind me asking, What do you represent? I thought that we really had everything I needed with the four others."
"Well, that's the thing Thomas. I represent a little bit of each facet. My job is to perhaps build the relationsh- friendship; friendships," you corrected, earning a snicker from Vergil, "Between the other four."
"That's really neat, (Y/N), I'm glad to meet you." He hesitated, "but I have one more question..."
"Why am I female?" He nodded sheepishly,
"That's a good question that I don't know the answer to. But I like to think it's because I'm your inner fangirl." You pointed and your fandom tee-shirt and awaited a reaction.
"I like your shirt! And that's really neat. It was a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N), but it's getting late. Goodnight, guys... And gal." He corrected himself trudging up the stairs to his room.
You all sunk down, this time not needing Patton to guide you. All five of you head down the hallway that leads to the rooms. Your door is turquoise and silver, with a sea-star shaped knob.

"Goodnight, (Y/N). I look forward to getting to know you in the future." He stalled in his doorway.

"Thanks Roman, you too. Goodnight."
You replied, closing your door.


Did he just flirt?

No of course he didn't, don't be stupid.

You flop down on your bed, falling asleep almost as soon as your head reaches the soft pillows.

Yay! Another, longer chapter. Actually, of you don't count this authors note, this chapter is exactly 800 words long.
Sooo... how did everyone enjoy the eclipse? Did you even care? Anyways,

The New Girl (Sander Sides x reader)Where stories live. Discover now