The Birthday

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Anxiety's POV

My alarm clock was blaring. Oh right. The worst day of the year is upon me. Nobody, in my 20 years of existence, remembered the day of my creation. I've heard many phrases in my life, (mostly just hurled abuses) but 'Happy Birthday!' Was never one of them.

Perhaps because they want you to feel forgotten. They want you gone...

Where did that come from? I haven't thought those thoughts for so long. I was startled when my phone pinged with a text.

Jumpy, much?

The voice's cackle resounded in my head. There was almost an echo to it. Shaking off the thought of something being in my mind, I checked my phone, expecting a game notification or Patton sending me GIF. But no, it was a sentence I thought I'd never see:

Happy Birthday, Verge! 🎂

Those measly three words brought stinging tears to my eyes. Why does she care?

She doesn't. The words you're looking for are 'pity me'.

Okay, this is more than slightly concerning. My mind went to some very strange places and made large leaps of logic to explain the voice resounding in my mind. A second ping brought me back to reality.

Get up and come have lunch, Sleeping beauty!

I looked up at my luminescent alarm clock. 12:08, it read. Was I lost in my thoughts for that long?


I decided not to have lunch. The voice told me that I deserved nothing less than to starve, and I kind of believed it. It was 6:30 now, I hadn't received a single notification since (Y/N)'s texts, and I wasn't expecting another one. But will wonders ever cease?

Hey! Are you coming out to dinner? We're eating with Thomas tonight! Patton and I made steak!

Nah, you guys enjoy yourselves. I'm staying in bed.

Vergil, we prepared steak, and salad for your birthday dinner. Get out here or we're bring the food into your room!

What? After twenty years of nobody giving a crap about me, suddenly they're waiting on me to eat dinner?



I threw on my new purple speckled hoodie (omygoshyouguysthenewoutfits)
And meandered out of the room. My face may not show it, but I was absolutely elated. Once I reach our mind newly cleaned mind kitchen, I sink down into Thomas' house, and sure enough, there are six seats surrounding the small table. The others were talking amongst themselves, all with a smile on their face, even Logan. The head of the table was empty, (Y/N) and Roman sat across from each other near my vacant chair, talking animatedly. Logan, Thomas, and Patton sat at the end of the table, talking quickly.

See how happy they are without you? Especially (Y/N) and Roman? You should just go back to your room and remain there, you fat-

Shut up. I told the voice. I'm going to eat with them, end of story. Buzz off.

I walked into the dinning room and less than gracefully took my seat. Roman's face lit up and he sent me a wink. Was it a friendly wink? A flirty wink? Well, it doesn't matter what kind of message he meant, I blushed a heated fire truck red across my cheeks and nose. Conversation took a screeching halt around the table and everyone looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I questioned, "why are you all staring at me?"

"Well, it is proper etiquette to wait for the head of the table to begin eating first." Roman answered.

"O-oh." I said, reaching out to the centre of the table where the meat lay.
"Let the eating commence, I guess."


"So Virgil, we were planning on going to a karaoke bar tonight, and you have no choice but to come with us and enjoy yourself." (Y/N) told me.

"Sounds good... will there be drinks?" Thomas never really was the drinking type, but singing karaoke will need me to be at least slightly tipsy. After all, it's my birthday. I deserve it.

No you don't. Don't kid yourself.

"Of course! It is also mandatory to sing at least one song. We won't leave until you do."

Or, alternatively, you could go back to your room for the rest of your days.

"Cool cool. Do you mind doing a duet with me?"

Ahh I am so sorry this chapter took so long! We went camping and almost died a few times. It was great.

Can we talk about the latest episode though? First off, Harry Potter is to me is what Crofters' Jam is to Logan. And the quality of the script was probably the best yet, each asset totally and completely their character - if that makes any sense....
Aaahhh school

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