The Murder Princess

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Hey my pretties, this is my other story. I wanted to write about the olden days, when internet wasn't discovered, people traveled on horse back, and instead of guns there were swords and bow&arrows. If you enjoy action in the olden days you'll enjoy this book alot. I guess i'll let you guys read my story now. Until then...


"Where are you from?" 

I ignored him, continuing to eat the loaf of bread. The sweet fluffy bread in my mouth as I chewed it up savoring the food,

"Will you at least tell me your name?" He asked, sitting with his back against my back

"Amelia," I said with my mouth full

"That's a really pretty name, so tell me why a pretty girl like you is in a field full of dead men?"

My head lowered and I gripped the sheaf that was in my hand pointing upward,

"I take responsibility of killing all these men for entering my territory,"

The strange man chuckled, and my head turned so I saw him over my shoulder

"I have entered your territory, and yet I'm not clinging on to life"

I ripped off another piece of the bread, "You saved my life, so I spare yours."

He hummed in agreement and got up, I fell back a little bit then regained my stance

"Amelia if I fight with you and beat you will you come with me to accompany me as your master and you my apprentice?"

I scoffed, "I'm giving you another life to live old man, don't through it away."

The sound of the sword drawing from its sheaf reached my ear and I swallowed the last piece of bread getting up

"You sure about this old man?" I asked dusting off my hands,

He didn't respond, taking that as a yes and took out my sheaf.

That moment has bound me to the old man, who was a member of the King's council. The same man who I have been protecting and serving for the last 8 years,


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