Chapter 3 : Power of the Blood and the Blade

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"My executioner?" Roana asked, "I'm your commander, you take orders from me!"

"You're not my commander, the Queen is. And as I said, I'm off duty today," Daniel replied with a smug look on his face.

Roana couple feel every drop of sweat trickling down her body 'I don't have time for this,' she said to herself.

Her hand hesitantly swung over her sword, awaiting Daniel's next move.

"You know, I've never quite been about to evaluate your skills," he said.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Roana questioned.

"I mean I've never been able to see how good you are on the battlefield. I mean to see if you got your label from skill," he looked Roana dead in the eye, "Or from your friendship with the Queen."

Roana chuckled, relieving some of her tension, "Oh, I see. So today's where all this is coming from. You're jealous of me."

Daniel bobbed his head from side to side, "I wouldn't say jealousy is the cause," he undefeated his sword and stepped closer, "Just pure hatred."

With one push of a foot Daniel was in the air, swinging his sword at Roana.

A 'clang' sound was made as his sword hit against Roana's half drawn sword,sending him back to the ground.

"Fine, you can evaluate me on the battle field," she said while completing the task of drawing her sword, "But I can't guarantee you'll be alive long enough to reflect upon it."

Daniel took his battle stance and licked his lips as a smirk crept onto his face, "That's the spirit."


Thomas walked into the rubble, searching for where the gem might be kept.

It's been two hours since his meeting with Argan. Two hours of searching, and nothing.

"Where the hell could it be?" Thomas asked himself while brushing his hand through his hair.

He continued walking, and shortly after he heard a sound he haven't heard in weeks. The sound of water.

After arguing with himself whether or not he should go to the water source, he finally decided to go and freshen up.

The closer he got to the sound of water the louder and more tempting the water sounded to him.

Not long after, his mouth became dry, craving for water.

He finally arrived at the water source and , "Damn," was the only word that was able to leave his mouth at the moment.

The water slashed against the coal-like ground, sending crystal like water fragments flowing in the air before making contact with Thomas' face, clearing all doubts he had in his mind before, and solely made him focus on the water before him.

He knelt by the river bank, and took a handful of water, then splashed it against his face.

His entire body felt as if it was instantly cleaned of all the dirt that polluted it. It also made him feel as if all his burdens were lifted off his shoulders, making him nothing but calm.

"So this is what the God's water feels like," he said as he reached into the river for another handful of water.

Before his hands made contact with the water he noticed something. He noticed a green light in the water, but it only lasted for a split second, then it was gone.

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