Chapter 2 : Heir to the Throne

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"Look old man, I don't have time to stay here and argue with you all day, I need that gem and I'm going to walk out of this place with it, whether you like it or not," Thomas said, staring Argan in the eye.

Thomas' green eyes stood out, making it seem as though he has a sudden growth in power, a sight that made Argan burst out in laughter.

"Okay kid, you got guts, challenging a demigod like that. But guts alone will get you nowhere in a place like this," Argan said.

Thomas clenched his fists and grind his teeth, "Let me pass."

"Do you think I take orders from you?" Argan said as his features changed to a more strict look.

Thomas pulled four short blades out of his shabby shirt and throw them at Argan one at a time.

Argan deflected the blades before they were about to touch him, but Thomas was already by his side and smirked before he stuck his sword in Argan's back.

Argan bellowed as Thomas slowly made the sword seep deeper into his akin, with a smile on his face.

Soon after, the tip of the sword, made it's way through Argan's torso and the noise stopped.

Feeling accomplished, Thomas stepped away, letting go of the sword, but then he noticed something that was rather peculiar.

The wound he had placed in Argan's body did not leak blood, it didn't even look as if he was cut.

His eyes widened as the sword shot out of Argan's back in a stream of white light as he stood straight.

"Sorry to disappoint, but only Gods can kill Gods and from what I've seen, all other Gods are dead," he said.

"But you're a demigod," Thomas pointed out.

"The presence godly blood is more prominent than the mage blood," Argan shrugged his shoulders back and cricked his fingers, "But anyways, you may go."

"Huh?" Thomas asked, puzzled.

"I said you may go. It's not like you're going to leave if you don't... Just beware, my sisters keep watch of the gem. If you can retrieve the gem without dying, meet me here before you go," Argan said as he began to move away.

"Your sisters? But aren't you supposed to be the last of your kind?" Thomas asked.

"Yes I am, they are no longer goddesses. They are something much more dangerous than a God. Why do you think no one's been able to retrieve the gem?" Argan asked as he disappeared.

Thomas looked up at the dark sky as he muttered, "Shit!"


Roana head over to her room and shut the door behind her, wiping the tears in her eyes.

"I... I have to warn her. I need to," she said as she speedily walked over to her closet.

"Have to warn who?" Asked a voice from in the room.

Roana jumped in fright then let out a sigh of relief once she saw the red headed woman before her, "Roxanne, you almost scared me."

"Isn't that my job? I mean, I am your sister," Roxanne replied.

"You were adopted," Roana reminded her.

"No, that's not how you should put it. I was taken from my family to join yours."

Roana sighed while rummaging through her closet, "Look, Roxanne, I don't have time for this right now. We'll pick up another time okay?"

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