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"you will enjoy the capital dear sister, the gardens, the food, the men

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"you will enjoy the capital dear sister, the gardens, the food, the men."
Loras spoke looking over to his younger sister from his place in their carriage, Briar smirked tilting her head slightly.
  "those all sound like things you enjoy Loras."
  "What can I say we are very similar people."
  "I can't wait to meet Price Joffrey."
  "whys that? He's an unpleasant little fool."
Loras asked furrowing his eyebrows as he poured himself more wine.
  "yes, I am aware. But wouldn't it be brilliant? Briar Baratheon, Queen of the seven kingdoms."
  Loras shook his head,
"you are far to much like Margaery."
"Beautiful, smart, kind, powerful and rich? I see no problem there."
Briar remarked, a sly smile on her lips. Loras just laughed, taking a sip from his crystal chalice.

"Ser Loras, Lady Briar we have arrived in the Red Keep."
Ser Quincly thier carrige driver announced opening the door to help Lady Briar step down.
  "Thank you Ser Quincly."
  "it was my pleasure my lady."
He said humbly bowing his head. Loras and Briar were in Kings Landing for the kings tourney and when King Robert had gotten word that Loras Tyrell, Knight of Flowers would be competing in his tourney he graciously offered the siblings his hospitality. The king would jump at any chance to squeeze money out of a house wealthier then his own. It was known to the siblings that the crown was in debt.
   Quincly handed Briar's bags to the female servant awaiting to escort to her room. After giving her older brother a small smile and wave she let the servant lead her away.
"And your name might be?"
"Aleastra Sand, My Lady."
She said timidly, admiring the Highgarden Lady's classic Tyrell beauty.
"its my pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Aleastra"
She spoke sweetly, the charming smile never leaving her face.

"if there is anything you need my lady, do not hesitate to ask."
Aleastra said, shallowly curtsing after placing the items of her traveling trunk into the wardrobe.
"of course, thank you."
She said glancing back at her from her place on the balcony over looking the lucious garden. Aleastra nodded, silently ducking out of Lady Briar's room, secretly wishesing she would have asked more of her, so she could admire her for a little longer.


Briar strolled through the garden, her fingers lightly brushing the petals of a yellow gazania.
"you can have it if you like."
Briar's head quickly snapped up, her eyes meeting the tired ones of her king, Robert Baratheon.
"thank you my king, you are ever so gracious."
Briar spoke, her flirtatious ways she used to manipulate those around her automatically slipping through. The king grinned,
"you flatter me Lady Tyrell. How are you enjoying your stay here at the palace?"
He asked walking closer to the young lady.
"its been extraordinary Your Grace your castle is ever so beautiful."
She said smoothly, trying not to look uncomfortable the king shamelessly stared at the way her dress hugged her body.
"thats good to hear, a lady as beautiful as yourself deserves all the greatest luxuries of Westeros."
She smiled tightly, trying her hardest not to point out that his oldest son was a two years older then her.
"Why don't you join me and my family for dinner this evening."
Briar could tell it was a demand not an offer.
"I would love too."
"Very good, until then Lady Briar."
She curtsied politely watching as the Stag King walked away.


Robert entered his chambers, pouring himself a glass of wine. Not paying a glance to his wife who sat at the table where he poured his drink.
"good afternoon my love, how are you?"
She asked as he sat down, the king grunted into his glass of wine, taking a large sip of the bittersweet liquid.
"It was fine. Lady Briar Tyrell will be joining us for dinner this evening."
The king did not ask the queen how her day was going.
"I see."
Cersei spoke quietly, watching silently as her husband downed his cup.
"pretty little thing she is. I remember when you were young and vivacious like that."
Cersei bit her lip. Jelousey running through her veins as she looked at her husband through cold eyes.
"do you wish to fuck her too? You are a whore of a king."
Robert looked up at his wife surprised,
"I am your king! You will show me some respect."
He demanded standing up. Cersei said nothing. Robert looked at her angrily, waiting for her to apologize. when she didn't Robert stepped forward drawing his hand back to strike her across the face. The loud sound of his fat hand against his wife's slender cheek echoed through the silent room, Cersei placed her slightly shaking hand against her sore cheek, staring at Robert with a clenched jaw, searching for regret in his face. She found none. She swallowed her anger knowing her smarts wouldn't win againsts Roberts fists.
"I am sorry your grace, I was out of line. "
Robert nodded, sitting back down in his chair and motioning for the scared handmaiden in the corner of the room to refill his pitcher of wine.

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