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  Briar watched as her brother's horse along with the rest of the people traveling with him disappeared into the distance

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  Briar watched as her brother's horse along with the rest of the people traveling with him disappeared into the distance. Now she was alone in Kingslanding, a city riddled with lies, corrupte with secrets and at the centre of all the messy political drama was her betrothed Petyr Baelish, who used his whore house as a way to spy on the wealthy, learn their secrets and propel himself to an even higher place on the political food chain.
And then their was Joffrey, the boy prince who had just began to show interest in her right when she got swooped into the tight grip of the Master of Coin. He was greedy and insane, everything Briar expected, everything she had learned so easily to manipulate and control. 

  "Good morning Lady Briar.”
Joffreys pompous voice intruded, just as she was about to break her fast.
  “Good morning my Leige.”
She grinned,
  “May I join you my Lady?”
  "Its your garden is it not?"
She tilted her head, gesturing her knife to the surrounding garden patio. Joffrey smirked pulling out a chair as he snapped for a nearby servant to bring him some food.
"How are you My Lord?”
She asked politely,
  "Please, call me Joffrey."
He spoke charmingly as Petyr had the day before.
She hummed, testing out the sound of his name on her lips. Joffrey liked the way it sounded. The servant quickly returned placing a platter infront of the prince,
"Is there anything el-"
"Leave us."
The servant nodded quickly, scurrying off.
  "They can be so pesky sometimes."
Briar wanted to point out that without them Joffrey probably couldn't dress himself in the morning.
  "Yes, quite."
  "So how come we hadn't met before you moved here?"
  "I mostly traveled around The Reach when I was younger."
  "Ugh I hate The Reach, to much farmland, it's just field after field. And there is SO much cattle, it must smell like shit all the time."
The prince groaned waving his utensils around as he spoke through a mouthful of food.
Briar began, her fake smile becoming even faker,
  "The Reach is the most fertile part of Westeros, we provide agricultural resources to places less fortunate then us, like Kingslanding. We also have the largest population of any region of Westeros. And I don't know if you have ever been to Highgarden but in my opinion it is the most beautiful place in the realm, it has an even larger garden then the one here in Kingslanding."
Briar finished tilting her head sharply, her utensils clutched so tightly in her hands her knuckles had turned white, the prince didn't seem to notice. He was to focused on her pretty smile that he thought was real.
  "Okay whatever you say, but Kingslanding has more gold then Highgarden and the rest of the Reach combined, gold beats flowers and cows."
  That was a lie, The reach had more gold, cows and flowers but she wasn't about to get into a fight with an obnoxious prince about facts he would just continue to ignore.
  "I guess you are right!"
So instead she laughed, playing with a strand of her hair. Joffrey smirked,
  "Why don't you come back to my chambers? You can see the whole city from there."
Briar nodded eagerly, even though you could see all of Kingslanding from her balcony as well. And suprise, it looked like it smelt, like shit and poverty that the highborn residing in Kingslanding so conveniently turned a blind eye to.


“its beautiful."
Briar chimed, looking over her shoulder to Joffrey who stood directly behind her.
  "Isn't it? And one day it will be all mine. I will get to say who lives and dies, people will fear the crown when I rule, unlike with my pestiferous father."
He seethed, his voice starting calm and collected and ending snappy and abrasive.
  "You will make a marvelous king, Joffrey."
  "Yes, if only I didn't have to marry that useless Stark girl."
  Sansa was a very nice girl, and could make a good queen someday in Briar's opinion, but she was far to naive and inexperienced with how the Game of Thrones worked to rule over anyone or anything right now.
  "You need someone elegant and wealthy by your side, with strong alliances. Someone who agrees with your every word. Sansa won't always be obedient like she is now."
  Briar hated herself for saying such misogynistic things, but ignored the feeling of self hate and reached up to brush Joffreys cheek with her thumb.
  "You'd make a good queen Lady Briar."
She knew that.
  "Would I?"
She asked with a sly smile,
"Yes, a brilliant one actually."
He grabbed her waist roughly pulling her to his chest.
  "Its to bad we are promised to others."
She whispered in his ear, her hair tickling his neck,
  "Because I would love to be your queen. King Joffrey Baratheon."
Joffrey released a breath of air he hadn't realized he had been holding as her warm breath tickled his neck. She was everything he wanted, rich, powerful, obidient, smart and beautiful.

She was everything he wanted,
She was everything he needed,
She was everything he would have.

Briar dusted soft kisses against his neck and the prince knew he couldn't marry Sansa Stark.


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