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A raven arrived from Highgarden today

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A raven arrived from Highgarden today. It's was from Briars father, she hadn't spoken to him since she left for Kingslanding and the last time he was mentioned it was when her brother Loras had told her that she was to marry a lord 30 name days older then herself. She almost didn't open the letter, still kind of angry that he hadn't had the decency to tell her himself. But her curiosity over came her anger and she broke the Tyrell wax seal on the scroll.

Dearest Briar Isemay,
I feel a terrible sense of compunction that I could not have told you of your engagement face to face, but things are awfully busy back home and I thought if I couldn't do it it was better Loras then Petyr. I hope that you are not to distraught over leaving home and living with Lord Baelish in Kingslanding, but the city will treat you well and I suspect Lord Baelish will do the same. If he is treating you badly please write and I will have the betrothal abolished, if not I will see you at the wedding in Kingslanding in four moons. Loras and Margaery send their love,

Mace Tyrell.

Briar loved her father, a lot, he was kind hearted and only wanted the best for his children, something many fathers in Westeros couldn't lay a claim to. But he had obviously never spent that much time in Kingslanding because the city certainly wouldn't treat her well, it didn't treat anyone well. But it could have been worse, compared to many Petyr Baelish was a saint among men.

Arya Stark stood on one toe at the top of a dangerously high flight of stairs, her arms waving precariously as she tried to keep her balance when a girl dressed in fine Westeroi garments came around the corner of the stairs, making eye contact with the stark girl,
"What are you doing?"
She asked, confusion etched on her face as she stared at the girl dressed in boys clothes.
"Water dancers can balance on one toe for hours."
She spoke confidently,
"You're learning to water dance?"
Briar asked walking up the steps towards the strange young girl,
"Yes, I want to be a warrior someday."
"I think you'll make a great warrior."
"So do I."
Briar laughed at the girls confidence,
"A little cocky don't you think?"
"No, just confident."
"That's pretty much the same thing you know."
Arya shrugged,
"Maybe I should learn water dancing."
Briar began,
"Physically I'm pretty useless."
"We can practice together if you want."
Arya offered,
"I'd like that."
Briar grinned moving to stand beside her new friend, copying the way she was standing.
"I'm Arya Stark, by the way."
"Briar Tyrell."
"Oh! Your brother fought in the tournament! He was amazing."
She gushed in admiration,
"Yes, the tourney in your fathers honour."
Arya beamed with pride, you could tell she was very proud of her father. Arya looked to her new friend, pushing her shoulder lightly causing her to shake and almost loose her balance, she laughed loudly regaining her balance against the wall before pushing Arya back, a shriek escaping her lips as she to tried to maintain her balance as well. The two girls locked eyes as if daring one another to push first when at the same time they both reached out their arms to shove one another, the girls erupted with giggles as both of them fell to the castle floor. They didn't bother to get up and practice their balance again, instead they sat on the castle steps talking about the homes they each missed so dearly.
Briar felt a sense of peace that she only ever felt when around Loras. She didn't feel the need to hide behind a facade with Arya, she felt like she could trust and be herself around the younger girl. It was a good feeling. A freeing feeling.

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