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     Merely days after the death of Lord Ned Stark's death was Briars wedding day

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Merely days after the death of Lord Ned Stark's death was Briars wedding day. She had had nothing to do with the planning of this event, she hadn't even seen her dress. She had some how reasoned that the less she thought of it the less of a reality it would become, yet here she was on the morning of her wedding sitting in the bath in her chambers, the comforting sent of lavender wafting through the air as chilling images of tonight flashed through her eyes, sure she had been with men before, but they were handsome knights from highgarden. Not sly Lords 30 name days older then herself who resided in the most disgustingly secret filled city in the realm; Kingslanding.

Briar knew this would not be a loving marriage, only few had the pleasure of finding real love and Briar knew as a highborn lady she would not be one of the lucky. And now that she was marrying Petyr all her hopes of love had been washed away.

She lifted her hand from the steaming water and gently picking up a piece of her honey brown hair from her breast, playing with it between her shaky fingers this morning she was a free woman but this afternoon she would not, she knew as she distracted herself from her realities her handmaidens Eula and Coraline were pulling out make up to paint her face and pins for her hair.
  "Are you ready My Lady?"
Eula asked from behind Briar, robe in her hand. She hesitated for a moment wondering if it was to late to fake her death and retire to Dorne.
  "Yes-yes I'm ready."
She whispered pushing her body out of the warm bath and into the cool air,
she let Eula cover he body with the robe and pull out her hair out over it. Eula noticed Briars lip quiver slightly, she had never seen her lady so vulnerable.
  "It's going to be okay you know."
Eula soothed,
  "Petyr Baelish is a nice man, he'll treat you right and you will make the most beautiful bride, even the king will desire you."
That's what Briar feared, she knew Joffrey had feelings for her. But that was her fault wasn't it? Stupidly, Briar had come to Kingslanding in hopes of Seducing the then Prince so that one day she could be queen. So so stupid, now she was stuck marrying Petyr Baelish and trying to avoid the boy king who had developed feelings for the young lady, perhaps she had developed feelings for him too? Despite all of the awful things he had done, despite the uncomfortable feeling Briar got whenever he entered the room. She found herself missing the blonde king when he was not around, Briar feared that most of all.
"Thank you Eula."
Briar mumbled letting the older girl lead her over towards her vanity where Coraline comb in hand beckoned Briar closer and began braiding her wet her wet hair down her back to keep it out of her face.
"Are you okay darling?
Coraline asked peering into Briars vacant eyes,
"Er- yes, sorry. You may continue."
She apologized sending Coraline a weak smile seemingly satisfying the handmaiden.

"My lords, my ladies, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever."
  Briar stared nervously across at her husband as the High Septon spoke, she felt uncomfortable under his cloak, the Baelish symbol felt heavy on her back.
Her father, brother, sister and Margeary's new husband Renly stood behind her. She wanted more then anything to turn from her soon to be husband and run into her family's arms, begging Renly, Margaery and Loras to take her away with them, but she knew it was far to late as a long ribbon was tied around Petyr and Briars hand and the High Septons voices rang like a death sentence through the quiet hall,
" the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity."


"So how are you enjoying being Lady Baelish?"
Joffrey asked later that evening at the wedding reception with a scowl on his face,
"It's Tyrell."
She quickly responded,
"I am of a more powerful house and therefore have the right to keep my name."
Joffrey smirked sitting down beside the married lady and placing his hand on her thin thighs gently squeezing the covered skin,
"You would be wise to remove your hand."
She hissed quietly,
"I am king I can do whatever I want."
He chuckled pompously catching Petyr Baelish's eye.
"Yes, but it is wedding and a very public place."
"Would you rather me touch you in private Lady Briar?"
He asked slyly,
"That's exactly what I'm saying My King."
Joffrey smirked biting his lips at the lady's words,
"Meet me tonight."
He demanded,
"After your husband has gone to sleep, I'll show you what a real man feels like."
"As you wish Your Grace."

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