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"All hail his grace, Joffrey of house Baratheon and Lannister, first of his name, king of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of The Seven Kingdoms and Protector of The Realm

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"All hail his grace, Joffrey of house Baratheon and Lannister, first of his name, king of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of The Seven Kingdoms and Protector of The Realm."
Robert Baratheon he didn't die fighting valiantly in a war or respectfully in old age, instead he went out the same way he ruled, in a messy drunken state. He had been attacked by a wild boar on hunting trip and now the son that Robert had never felt any connection to was being crowned king, despite Roberts last wishes for Ned Stark to rule until Joffrey was of age.
"I command the council to make all necessary arrangements for my coronation, I wish to be crowned within the fortnight. Today I shall accept gifts of fealty from my loyal councilis."
Joffrey demanded, not breaking eye contact with the wounded Ned Stark who stood before him, Petyr Baelish and Lord Varys not far behind.
"Ser Barriston,"
Ned began, not looking away for the kingdoms unrightfully heir,
"No man here could ever question your honour."
Ned handed the aging knight a scroll encasing King Roberts last wishes,
"King Roberts seal?"
Set Barriston questioned, turning towards Cersei and Joffrey, Joffrey tensed.
He continued, Cersei said nothing, an unbreakable stony expression resting perfectly on her face, Ser Barriston broke the seal, unraveling the short scroll,
"Lord Eddard Stark is here in named Protector of The Realm. To rule as regent until the heir comes of age."
He read, Joffrey looked to his mother in panic as she stood,
"May I see that letter Ser Barriston?"
She spoke cooly, stepping down to take the paper from Ser Barriston
"Protector of The Realm, is this meant to be your shield Lord Stark?"
She asked, tearing the paper that held her husbands last wishes in half.
"A piece of paper."
She spat almost mockingly, Cersei threw the paper to the ground of the throne room, as Ser Barriston spoke,
"Those were the kings words."
"We have a new king now. Lord Eddard when we last spoke you offered me some council, allow me to return the courtesy. Bend the knee my Lord, bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son and we shall allow you to live out your days in the grey waste you call home."
"Your son has no claim to the throne."
Eddard retorted accusingly, Cersei scoffed,
Joffrey yelled his voice echoing through the empty room, he had every right to the throne, his father had once ruled and now it was his turn, he was enraged that Ned would ever say something so preposterous.
"You condemn yourself with your own mouth Lord Stark, Ser Barriston seize this traitor!"
Ser Barriston stepped forward as two of Ned's men did, aiming their crossbows at them,
"Ser Barriston is a good man, a loyal man, do him no harm!"
Eddard spoke quickly, Cersei almost laughed
"You think he stands alone?"
She asked as two knights drew their swords, Joffrey leapt to his feet,
He screamed childishly pointing at Ned and his guards,
"Commander take the queen and her children into custody. Escort them back to their royal apartments and keep them there under guard."
Ned demanded, much calmer then Joffrey had been.
"Men of the watch!"
The Commander aired, all of the other guards in the throne room immediately drew their weapons, pointing them at the queen, her child, Ser Barriston and the other royal guards in the room.
"I want no blood shed. Tell your men to lay down their swords and surrender, no one has to die."
Ned commanded The Queen, she did nothing as if threading Ned to attack, the commander decided to take matters into his own hands as he yelled,
immediately his men starting attacking the Royal guards, Ned looked around in panic, this was not what he had wanted. Before he could blink Lord Baelish had grabbed his shoulder, drawing a knife to his neck.
"I did warn you not to trust me."

What no one saw was one Briar Tyrell who sat in the raised hallway behind the large vine covered pillars on the left side of the throne room, her back pressed against the half wall as not to be seen. She didn't move a muscle fearing that her being caught listening in would end in a painful demise in true Lannister style.

So what do you guys think of my story? Sorry that the writing is pretty bad.
Also today i starting writing a Draco Malloy fanfic because for some reason I'm obsessed with blonde annoying villains. If you like Harry Potter you should really check that out.

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