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Hey everyone welcome to this is Ayato Kirishima x reader that I made! If the facts aren't accurate and stuff please forgive me and please help by commenting and telling me what it is.

I hope you enjoy this work of fiction, my beautiful French Fries!

( also comments and votes will motivate me to write more :))) so if you want to read more! Please do!)

You entered the classroom quietly. The room was full of students talking and having fun with each other. One more year and you were finally off to college. You shuffled over to an empty seat, hiding yourself from the world underneath your hood.

You sat down, taking out a book from your bag to read. It was quite hard since the room was bustling with chatter. You subtly raised an eyebrow as you managed to hear a couple girls talking.

"Did you see the news this morning? There are more ghoul attacks. It's so scary!"

"I know. I think there was also a mentioned binge-eater." She shuddered with her words. "We have to be really careful. Saitou don't go jogging at night anymore."

You sighed.
All these Ghoul attacks, you thought, blocking out the rest of their conversation. It is kinda scary but at the same time, you don't really worry about it. Even if you die from a ghoul, you don't think it actually matters. You'll be helping the ghouls themselves. You shook these thoughts away as you tried to read again.

You weren't the type to make friends. You were one of those who decided to stay in the shadows, away from everyone else. You were considered one of the outcasts.

You closed your book shut, seeing that it was impossible to read with all the noise all around you. Just in time, the teacher entered the classroom and everyone quickly ran to their respective places.

"Good morning, class!" The middle-aged male said cheerily. "I am Mr. Tsukiyama!"

"Good Morning, Tsukiyama-sensei," the class greeted back, with barely any enthusiasm at all. You didn't even try to let those few words slip out of your lips. You preferred to be quiet, you as the audience, watching as the day flew by.

"We've got a couple new students today," Mr. Tsukiyama said. "Please stand up Mr. Ayato Kirishima and Mr. Kaneki Ken. Say your name and tell us what you would like to be called."

Two attractive boys stood up from their seats. One had dark purple hair and the other one had an eyepatch covering his left eye.

Eyepatch... He looks familiar yet you couldn't remember where you saw him. He has white hair and a sullen expression resided on his face.

You watched as the teacher gestured for the purple-haired guy to go first.

"I am Ayato Kirishima and you can call me by my name," he said in a dull tone, proceeding to sit back down.

You noticed people whispering to each other. You guessed they only realized he was here now. And... also that they think that he is "extremely hot" as your ears tells you.

You looked at him from the dimness of your hood, blocking out the introduction of the other guy. He looked... mysterious and the quiet type... like you.

Before you knew it, his head shifted and landed on you and your eyes locked. You stared at each other from quite afar for about five seconds until the teacher's deep voice interrupted your staring contest.

"Well then, let's begin shall we?" Then his eyes moved to you. "Ms. (Y/N), would you please remove that hood of yours?" He said, the sweetness dripping from every word.

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