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Classes have now ended and you started placing your books in your backpack. You suddenly remembered the 'talk' Kaneki was talking about. No lie, you were nervous.

He gave you a short stare reminding you and you replied with a small nod before packing up the rest of your things. You saw him head out of the door and you slung your backpack over your uninjured shoulder. You glanced over to Ayato but it seemed that he was busy with something. Placing your hood over your head once more, you stepped out of the room and headed over to the field.

Walking through the hallways were always easy since you weren't popular. No one looked at your direction as you passed by. You took a right and approached the metal door leading to the outside. Pushing it carefully, you walked out into the open area.

You used to go to the field almost everyday. But now you stopped after seeing more people use it as a hangout place. The field was pretty basic. A few people were sitting on the grass and metal benches lined the high walls.

You looked around and you saw the white-haired ghoul sitting at the top of the bleachers. He was looking off into the distance, his backpack right beside him. You gripped the strap of your bag tightly and let out a breath. There's no going back.

You walked up the steps and the sound of your shoes hitting the ground caught Kaneki's attention. He looked at you and smiled. He gestured for you to sit next to him and you obliged, putting down your bag.

He returned his gaze at the white fluffy clouds in the sky and you looked at him expectantly. He seemed to notice you staring at him as a small grin crept up his face. You felt embarrassed so you quickly looked away.

"You shouldn't always hide under a hood, (Y/N)," he says as he faced you, making you look at him too. "How else will people see that beautiful face of yours." He smiled and your face surely turned red. Carefully, he removes your hood, exposing your (hair length), (hair color) locks.

You were shocked from his words. You? Beautiful?? What?! Your heart was beating really fast.

"D-don't say things like that. Oh my god, Kaneki-kun," You stuttered, extremely flustered.

He just chuckled and said, turning back to watch the sky. "Heh... it's not like I'm hitting on you, (Y/N)-chan. You should get used to compliments like that if we're gonna be friends."


His smile grows even wider. "I wasn't going to eat you, (Y/N)"

You stared at him. He wasn't...?

"B-but... it was already dark and you were hungry. Plus, I already knew you were a ghoul with all that coffee you bought."

"Wow... (Y/N)-chan. Have you been leveling up on your ghoul studies?" His warm smile never left his face.

You felt yourself heat up. God. Why are you like this. Well it is a fact that you have always been interested in ghouls. So during your high school years, when you were bored, you would research about them. Nerdy... right?

"Tch. Shut up." You frowned.

"Oh." Kaneki raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You've already caught on Ayato-kun's Language Disease."

"Language Disease?"

He just shook his head. "I asked you to come here so that I could clarify things. I had no intention of having you for dinner. And... I really wanted to become your friend."

He paused and when you didn't say anything, he continued. "To answer your question, yes, I did work in Anteiku. And, I noticed you, (Y/N), always just sitting in the corner, reading some book." He chuckled, "It's funny that not once did you read the same book."

You were surprised. You didn't know he was observing you. You did too but not the whole time since you were too engrossed in the book you were reading. But it's true, though. Each time I went to that coffee shop, I made sure to read a different book. I just have too many novels that need to be read.

"I was gonna try and befriend you but... some things happened and well... yeah. It's a long story so I won't bore you. Maybe, next time."

You just nodded. You didn't know what to say. Before you could, though, Kaneki said, "So.. can we be friends?"

You felt his eyes on you as you thought of what he said. You fiddled with your fingers, biting your lip as well. Friends. You think it would be nice to have friends. But you weren't sure if being friends with a guy like him would be a good idea.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try..." You said softly and you received a huge smile from Kaneki.

"Thanks." He said with relief in his voice.

You can't believe you agreed to his offer. There's no turning back now. A breeze flew by and you pulled your jacket tighter.

After a short while of silence you said, "You know, I actually knew Anteiku is an association for ghouls."

Kaneki looked at you with his eyes wide. "But, I didn't mind, really. I mean, ghouls also deserve to live as much as humans do," you continued before you could zip your lips.

The ghoul beside you held a shocked expression for a second but it shifted to a happy yet sad look. "I thought I was the only one that understood," he said and I looked at him. He looked back at me. The next words he said were very unexpected. "Are you hungry?"


"Do you want food?"

"Uh... sure?"

"Great! Let's go get food." He got up from his seat and picked up his bag with him.

You were confused. "You... can't eat hu—wait..."

"Hey." He laughed. "I'm not eating. I'm just buying you food. Come on."

He picked your bag up as well and carried it with ease. Your jaw was slightly ajar as he started going descending the bleachers.

"Wha—wait!" You quickly got up and followed him down the stairs.

"You know, you could be sociable and make friends if you wanted," he said when I reached his side.

"What do you mean by that?" You said with an offended look on your face.

"I mean, that once you get over your fear, it would be easier to talk to others. Like right now," he said as you both reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Like that's ever even gonna happen." You frowned and he just sighed.

When you neared the entrance to the school, you put on your hood and was about to open the door when you were interrupted with a hand putting your hood back down. You looked over at Kaneki who was smirking. "Didn't I tell you not to hide under your hood anymore?"

You rolled your eyes and put your hood back on, ignoring what Kaneki said. You pushed the doors open and walked in. "By the way, I want takoyaki."


Word Count: 1187

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