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Well... now you really won't be able to go to cosplay conventions. Actually that would never happen, since you're socially awkward. Your hands gripped your backpack straps tightly as you followed Kaneki, making sure that there was a big distance between you both.

Your shoulder and stomach were still slightly sore but it wasn't too bad. Kaneki turned to face you, stopping in his tracks causing you to halt as well. "Why are you so far away. Come closer."

You bit your lower lip and hesitantly walked closer towards him. You are so doomed. Now there was about a foot distance between you two.

His eyes moved to your collar bone where part of the white bandage was visible.

"What happened?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, uhh, dog bite," you replied quickly. Dog bite. How original, you thought sarcastically.

"Oh," He said then continued walking.

Your eyes scanned the area as you both walked in silence. The streetlights were turned on, barely lighting up the narrow sidewalks you were walking on. More stores were closing and people were going back to their places to rest.

You both took a left, entering a small street with houses and lots of dead ends. You were really starting to become afraid. One strange move from Kaneki and you were ready to flee or punch him in the face.

After a few minutes of walking and random thoughts, you lost him. There were fewer lights here and the area was pretty dark. You could feel your heartbeat threatening to jump out of your chest and your breathing rugged through every release. How the hell did you lose him?! You couldn't really see much which made you more worried. Jeez... you can't even keep a guy in sight! You really can't do anything right.

Then, you heard a loud crash. It seemed that it was coming from a corner nearby. Your eyes soon adjusted to the darkness and you walked towards the sound that were followed by grunts and things falling down. You knew it was stupid but you were known for being curious.

A faded light emitted from an alleyway were the noises were coming from. Reaching there, your eyes widened at the sight before you.

Ayato and Kaneki were both in a violent fight. Both had blood dripping from their lips and angry looks were planted on their faces. A garbage can on the corner had fallen and there were blood smeared on the concrete walls.

Your hands unconsciously flew to your mouth as you watched the two struggle to put down one another. You noticed Ayato's kagune was out and for a mere second, you were mesmerized by how beautiful it was. Magnificent, blood-red, sharp wings that were attached to his back.

Ayato pushed Kaneki to the wall, his hands clamped tightly on his neck. "I... wasn't... going... to... eat... her!" Kaneki forced out.

He's in denial...

"Bullshit! I won't let you have her! She's mine!" Ayato growled, his grip growing tighter. Before he could pass out (or die), Kaneki's kagune, which are long red tentacles, grew from his lower back, suddenly piercing Ayato's abdomen.

"I-I told you I... wasn't!"

You gasped as Ayato dropped Kaneki, his hands clutching his stomach. Your exclamation wasn't heard as the fight continued on. Ayato's words shocked you but you didn't have time to react.

Sharp thorns emerged from Ayato's kagune which landed on Kaneki, damaging his clothes and cutting his skin. You have never seen so much blood before and you weren't exactly sure how to react.

You needed to stop this. It was getting too bloody and they seemed pretty out of shape. Yeah, sure they both had the intention of eating you but this was already getting out of hand.

Ayato Kirishima x Reader|| Love BitesWhere stories live. Discover now