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A couple days have passed and you continued to think about your decision: whether becoming a ghoul was a good idea or if it is just a whole load of crap that will ruin your entire your life.

You did have a lot thoughts. Some were about the bad consequences and the others talked of why you want to do it.

That question always stayed in your mind: why do you want to do it?

You didn't have a complete answer to it but you knew majority of it is about Ayato.

Well, you should probably stop thinking about it. You've been doing that so much recently.

You patiently waited in your dorm elevator, watching the number on the digital screen ascend towards your floor. A 'ding' sounded in the air, signaling your arrival.

You walked out into the narrow hallway, heading towards the same old door that led to your room. You fumbled for your keys and soon enough, you picked out a rusty one that you know all too well. After fitting it into the small keyhole, you tiredly pushed open the door, your hand reaching towards the walls to find the light switch.

"Oh my GOD!" You yelled, your eyes widening at the sight of an angry Ayato standing inside your room. "What are you doing here?" You quickly slammed the door shut.

You felt yourself shudder in fear at the strong glare he held. Your heartbeat started to quicken as Ayato took small steps towards you.

"A-answer me! What a-are you doing here!" You didn't know where the harshness came from. You felt scared, even though you knew you shouldn't. You trust Ayato. You're sure you do.

But maybe it's because of all the things that are happening now.

You felt your back eventually press itself against your front door. Ayato's intimidating look still loomed down on you.


"Who told you that you could just become a ghoul if you wanted!" He shouted and it was as if the slight touch of his warm breath on your skin poisoned you into feeling numbness.

"I... Ayato." You didn't know what to say.

"Who told you that you could just talk about this as if it was normal?!"

Your lips parted and yet no words came out. You wanted to tell him everything but it seems as if your vocal chords are currently broken.

"No one!" He yelled, slamming his hand on the door behind you, causing you to flinch.

Mustering up your courage, you stammered. "A-Ayato-kun, just hear me out—"

His eyes felt like needles as they glared at you, the tone of his voice now lowering as he cut you off. "(Y/N)-chan. I'm not letting you become a ghoul."

"I—I mean.." He stared at you awaiting an explanation. His gaze felt heavy on you and you weren't sure on what to do. "B-But what if I really want to?" You said without thinking.

You watched Ayato's eyes grow wide at what you said. His face held so much anger it was scary. "Why would you—"

"For you." You cut him off. "I want to become a ghoul because I want t-to be with you."

Ayato's strong glare faded away softly and you were left with a confused yet speechless look.

You saw him blink. Once. Twice.

"You... can't do that." He said in a soft voice as he slowly backed away from you. "For me..." He looked nervous and his tone sounded fragile as his eyes never left yours.

"Yes, I can." You grabbed his arm and pulled him towards you, preventing him from walking away. Right then and there did you place your lips on his, your eyes capturing the shocked look Ayato had on before you eventually closed them.

"Because I love you," you continued as you broke off the sweet kiss.


Word Count: 649

Omg its been so long.. im so sorry im only updated now!! I had no motivation to write this chapter hehe!! Anyways hope you enjoyed this one and dont forget to vote if you did!!

Aishiteru frendss


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